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Insurance gaps at age-19 and age-26 health insurance eligibility thresholds by childhood-onset condition severity, Colorado 2014-2018.
Food as medicine, community as medicine: Mental health effects of a social care intervention.
Opportunities and challenges in discussing racism during primary care visits.
Strategies for sustaining high-quality pediatric asthma care in community hospitals.
Reflections in honor of the contributions of Harold S. Luft: overview of the occasion.
Public savings from the prevention of unintended pregnancy: a cost analysis of family planning services in California.
Disparities in adolescent health and health care: does socioeconomic status matter?
Can it be done? Implementing adolescent clinical preventive services.
Issues in studying the effectiveness of health services for children.
Pew Memorial Trust policy synthesis: 3. Adolescent pregnancy: the responsibilities of policymakers.