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Involvement of Ras activation in human breast cancer cell signaling, invasion, and anoikis.
Combinatorial efficacy achieved through two-point blockade within a signaling pathway-a chemical genetic approach.
Genome-wide array CGH analysis of murine neuroblastoma reveals distinct genomic aberrations which parallel those in human tumors.
Genetic determinants of malignancy in a mouse model for oligodendroglioma.
Bcl-2 overexpression results in enhanced capacitative calcium entry and resistance to SKF-96365-induced apoptosis.
Genome-wide screen for allelic imbalance in a mouse model for neuroblastoma.
Role of ligand in antibody-directed endocytosis of liposomes by human T-leukemia cells.
Interactions of the phenylpyrazolo steroid cortivazol with glucocorticoid receptors in steroid-sensitive and -resistant human leukemic cells.
Antibody-directed targeting of liposomes to human cell lines: role of binding and internalization on growth inhibition.
Antibody-directed liposomes: comparison of various ligands for association, endocytosis, and drug delivery.