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Maternal and neonatal outcomes with different screening strategies for gestational diabetes mellitus: a retrospective cohort study.
Clinical impact of severe acute kidney injury on post-operative and brain injury outcomes in preterm infants following surgical necrotizing enterocolitis.
Metabolic differences among newborns born to mothers with a history of leukemia or lymphoma.
The independent and combined influences of small for gestational age and socioeconomic status on newborn metabolite levels.
Clamp late and maintain perfusion (CLAMP) policy: delayed cord clamping in preterm infants.
Resuscitation of neonates at 23 weeks' gestational age: a cost-effectiveness analysis.
Obstetricians' attitudes and beliefs regarding umbilical cord clamping.
Risk factors associated with cerebral palsy in preterm infants.
Maternal omega-3 fatty acid supplementation and risk for perinatal maternal depression.