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The neural crest-enriched microRNA miR-452 regulates epithelial-mesenchymal signaling in the first pharyngeal arch.
Development of heart valves requires Gata4 expression in endothelial-derived cells.
Pbx1/Pbx2 requirement for distal limb patterning is mediated by the hierarchical control of Hox gene spatial distribution and Shh expression.
The Hand1 and Hand2 transcription factors regulate expansion of the embryonic cardiac ventricles in a gene dosage-dependent manner.
Tbx1 regulates fibroblast growth factors in the anterior heart field through a reinforcing autoregulatory loop involving forkhead transcription factors.
Regulation of myosin expression during myotome formation.
A GATA-dependent right ventricular enhancer controls dHAND transcription in the developing heart.
Role of dHAND in the anterior-posterior polarization of the limb bud: implications for the Sonic hedgehog pathway.
Inhibition of TGF-beta receptor signaling in osteoblasts leads to decreased bone remodeling and increased trabecular bone mass.
A signaling cascade involving endothelin-1, dHAND and msx1 regulates development of neural-crest-derived branchial arch mesenchyme.