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A transcriptomic comparison of in vitro models of the human placenta.
Associations of prenatal exposure to NO2 and near roadway residence with placental gene expression.
Role of the L-amino acid transporter-1 (LAT-1) in mouse trophoblast cell invasion.
LAT-1 expression in pre- and post-implantation embryos and placenta.
In vitro and in vivo evidence for lack of endovascular remodeling by third trimester trophoblasts.
Embryo-placento-maternal interaction and biomarkers: from diagnosis to therapy--a workshop report.
The effect of maternal hypoaminoacidaemia on placental uptake and transport of amino acids in pregnant sheep.
Placental biogenic amine transporters: in vivo function, regulation and pathobiological significance.
Human placental norepinephrine transporter mRNA: expression and correlation with fetal condition at birth.
Placental norepinephrine transporter development in the ovine fetus.