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Intranasal versus intraperitoneal delivery of human umbilical cord tissue-derived cultured mesenchymal stromal cells in a murine model of neonatal lung injury.
Transthyretin is dysregulated in preeclampsia, and its native form prevents the onset of disease in a preclinical mouse model.
Alveolar epithelial cell therapy with human cord blood-derived hematopoietic progenitor cells.
Sera from preeclampsia patients elicit symptoms of human disease in mice and provide a basis for an in vitro predictive assay.
Pathological findings in human autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome.
Gain of chromosome 17 is the most frequent abnormality detected in neuroblastoma by comparative genomic hybridization.
Experimental pneumococcal meningitis causes central nervous system pathology without inducing the 72-kd heat shock protein.
Clonal analysis of solitary follicular nodules in the thyroid.