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The fungal gut microbiota in pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis.
Corrigendum: Patterns of within-host spread of Chlamydia trachomatis between vagina, endocervix and rectum revealed by comparative genomic analysis.
Patterns of within-host spread of Chlamydia trachomatis between vagina, endocervix and rectum revealed by comparative genomic analysis.
Generation of Tetracycline and Rifamycin Resistant Chlamydia Suis Recombinants.
Fine-Scale Biogeography and the Inference of Ecological Interactions Among Neutrophilic Iron-Oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria as Determined by a Rule-Based Microbial Network.
Single-Cell Transcriptome Analysis of CD34+ Stem Cell-Derived Myeloid Cells Infected With Human Cytomegalovirus.
Evaluating the Antibiotic Susceptibility of Chlamydia - New Approaches for in Vitro Assays.
Chlamydia trachomatis Strain Types Have Diversified Regionally and Globally with Evidence for Recombination across Geographic Divides.
Tet(C) Gene Transfer between Chlamydia suis Strains Occurs by Homologous Recombination after Co-infection: Implications for Spread of Tetracycline-Resistance among Chlamydiaceae.
Activation of Langerhans-Type Dendritic Cells Alters Human Cytomegalovirus Infection and Reactivation in a Stimulus-Dependent Manner.