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The effect of prolonged tracheal intubation on the association between patent ductus arteriosus and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (grades 2 and 3).
A role for neonatal bacteremia in deaths due to intestinal perforation: spontaneous intestinal perforation compared with perforated necrotizing enterocolitis.
Blinded by the light? Possible phototherapy downsides.
Transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus closure-will history repeat itself?
Maternal anemia and pregnancy outcomes: a population-based study.
Comparative effectiveness of drugs used to constrict the patent ductus arteriosus: a secondary analysis of the PDA-TOLERATE trial (NCT01958320).
Vitamin D and associated perinatal-neonatal outcomes among extremely low-birth-weight infants.
Flipping the classroom: a national pilot curriculum for physiology in neonatal-perinatal medicine.
Cooling in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy: practices and opinions on minimum standards in the state of California.
Dynamic outcome prediction in a socio-demographically diverse population-based cohort of extremely preterm neonates.