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Perinatal transmission of multidrug-resistant HIV-1 despite viral suppression on an enfuvirtide-based treatment regimen.
Impact of intrapeptide epitope location on CD8 T cell recognition: implications for design of overlapping peptide panels.
Influence of HLA-B57 on clinical presentation and viral control during acute HIV-1 infection.
Important contribution of p15 Gag-specific responses to the total Gag-specific CTL responses.
Cost-effectiveness of antiviral drug therapy to reduce mother-to-child HIV transmission in sub-Saharan Africa.
Truck drivers in Brazil: prevalence of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, risk behavior and potential for spread of infection.
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) and HIV risk in heterosexual adults attending a public STD clinic: evaluation of a randomized controlled behavioral risk-reduction intervention trial.
HIV-1 Tat induces cytokine synthesis by uninfected mononuclear cells.
Serum levels of soluble CD8, neopterin, beta 2-microglobulin and p24 antigen as indicators of disease progression in children with AIDS on zidovudine therapy.
Determinants of survival in adult Brazilian AIDS patients, 1982-1989. The Brazilian State AIDS Program Co-Ordinators.