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A Hematogenous Route for Medulloblastoma Leptomeningeal Metastases.
KRAS Allelic Imbalance Enhances Fitness and Modulates MAP Kinase Dependence in Cancer.
Disease Model of GATA4 Mutation Reveals Transcription Factor Cooperativity in Human Cardiogenesis.
In Vivo Cellular Reprogramming: The Next Generation.
Human disease modeling reveals integrated transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms of NOTCH1 haploinsufficiency.
Oligodendrocyte-encoded HIF function couples postnatal myelination and white matter angiogenesis.
Progesterone receptor in the vascular endothelium triggers physiological uterine permeability preimplantation.
A nondegenerate code of deleterious variants in Mendelian loci contributes to complex disease risk.
Dynamic and coordinated epigenetic regulation of developmental transitions in the cardiac lineage.
Genetics of human cardiovascular disease.