
The UCSF Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship training program trains leaders to meet the highest expectations for clinical excellence, innovative research, medical education and patient safety. The program provides flexibility and strong mentorship in research and clinical medicine to help trainees meet their goals.
About the Program
The ACGME accredited Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship program at UCSF started in 1966 and continues to follow the physiology-based teaching philosophy initially championed by Dr. Abraham Rudolph. Many alumni from our program have gone on to become leaders of Pediatric Cardiology Programs, including chairs and division chiefs.
The three-year fellowship program involves training in all aspects of pediatric cardiology and its subspecialties, providing graduating trainees the tools to launch into a successful academic career and preparation for the American Board of Pediatrics Certifying Examination in Pediatric Cardiology.
How to Apply
Categorical Fellowship
Applications are processed through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). The application opens in July for positions starting in July of the following year. We participate in the NRMP match and typically schedule interviews from the end of August through early November.
When submitting your application, please include at least 3 letters of recommendation addressed to our Program Director. We do not accept paper applications.
To be eligible to apply for the Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship, candidates must be a graduate of a U.S. or Canadian medical school. ECFMG certificate, J-1, and H-1B Scholars are accepted. The University does not sponsor new H-1B visas for clinical fellowship training; your visa status must be certain at the time of application.
Benefits and salary information is included on the GME Resident and Fellow resources page.
For questions about the application process or program, please contact our Program Coordinator.
Advanced 4th Year Fellowship
To be eligible to apply for an advanced 4th year fellowship, candidates must have completed an ACGME-accredited pediatric program. J-1 and H-1B Scholars are considered.
A completed application for a 4th year fellowship consists of:
Current CV
Two letters of recommendation
Letter outlining goals for 4th year and career interests
Applications are typically due in late Spring, but please contact our Program Coordinator for more detailed information on the application process or any of our 4th year fellowship offerings.
We do not use ERAS to process 4th year applications, but please check with your current fellowship leadership as processes and deadlines in the various specialties are changing frequently. For non-invasive imaging and electrophysiology 4th year fellowships, we do participate in the match process.
Candidates interested in a one-year non-ACGME fellowship program specializing in interventional cardiac catheterization, echocardiography, electrophysiology, or pulmonary hypertension should submit their completed applications to our Program Coordinator.
UCSF has an additional non-ACGME Neonatal Cardiovascular Center of Excellence Advanced Fellowship 4th year training opportunity. It is open to those who have completed a fellowship in pediatric cardiology, pediatric critical care, neonatology, or similar fellowship. The program prepares trainees in caring for infants with congenital heart disease from fetus to infant and from diagnosis to long-term outcomes. Please reach out to the Fellowship Program Coordinator for additional details regarding this training option.
Visit the Society of Pediatric Cardiology Training Program Directors website for up-to-date information regarding 4th year training opportunities.
The first year of fellowship starts with a three-week orientation that includes high-yield didactics and “echo immersion” in which fellows learn how to perform a complete pediatric transthoracic echo.
The first year includes rotations on inpatient service, night float, and cardiology subspecialties including cardiac catheterization, echocardiography, and electrophysiology.
Second- and third-year fellows additionally rotate through the cardiac intensive care unit, heart failure/transplant service, pulmonary hypertension, and adult congenital cardiology.
Fellows spend time in outpatient pediatric cardiology clinics each year, which can be adjusted based on the individual fellow’s career plans and learning needs.
Each fellow has 12 months of dedicated research time over the three-year fellowship, starting with several weeks in the first year. The amount of dedicated research time increases each year, with decreased service time so fellows can focus on their own career path and professional development. Most fellows in the program are involved in multiple research projects and present their work at regional and national pediatric cardiology conferences.
Fellows participate in monthly Works in Progress sessions, facilitated by Dr. Shabnam Peyvandi, Director of Cardiovascular Research for the Pediatric Heart Center. Fellows also attend didactic lectures throughout the year on clinical research topics.
Two optional research tracks are available:
Basic science tracks in collaboration with the Gladstone Institute led by Dr. Deepak Srivastava and the Cardiovascular Research Institute led by Dr. Brian Black.
Clinical and population health research tracks in collaboration with the UCSF Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. This track includes potential opportunities for formal coursework to include obtaining a master's degree in clinical research, which will be supported by the newly formed Cardiovascular Research program.
The division provides funding for an optional summer workshop as part of the Training in Clinical Research Program (TICR) from the UCSF Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, offering further training in clinical research methods.
Fellows have opportunities to take advantage of funding and grants allocated to the division, program, and department, including:
American Heart Association (AHA) Second Century Clinical Fellow Research Education Program providing financial support for three UCSF Pediatric Cardiology fellows each year to attend AHA Scientific Sessions.
Newman Research Fund that supports senior pediatric cardiology fellow research projects and dissemination of information via publication and conference attendance.
T32 training options within the Department of Pediatrics.
Educational Opportunities
During training, pediatric cardiology fellows spend time learning through direct patient care, didactic teaching sessions, and participation in UCSF Pediatric Heart Center conferences. Schedules provide flexibility for each fellow to tailor their rotations to meet their learning needs and professional development goals.
Additional elective rotations are available in pediatric cardiac anesthesia and palliative care, as well as time to participate in GME Pathways, short courses in multidisciplinary and interprofessional topics.
Ongoing didactic teaching sessions include echocardiography, cardiac catheterization, fetal cardiology, clinical case conference, electrophysiology, pathology, cardiac MRI, pediatric cardiac surgery, cardiac critical care, and adult congenital cardiology.
Program Leadership
Program Director
Nicole M. Cresalia, MD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
[email protected]
Associate Program Director
Mike Brook, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
[email protected]
Division Chief
Phil Moore, MD, MBA
Professor of Pediatrics
[email protected]
Program Coordinator
Natalie Maria
Education Program Manager
[email protected]
Current Fellows
Aneela Reddy
Training Period: 2020-2023 (Categorical), 2023-2024 (4th year Neonatal Cardiovascular Center of Excellence Advanced Fellowship)
Medical School: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Residency: UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital
Title of Research: Improving prenatal detection of congenital heart disease with deep learning
Post-fellowship Plans: Pediatric Cardiology / Imaging Faculty position at UCSF
Surbhi Gupta
Training Period: 2020-2023 (Categorical), 2023-2024 (4th year Non-invasive Imaging and Cardiac MRI)
Medical School: Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Residency: UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital
Title of Research: Transcatheter PDA device closures in patients with PVR > 3.5
Post-fellowship Plans: Pediatric Cardiology / Imaging Faculty position at Seattle Children's Hospital, University of Washington
Zach Hutchinson
Training Period: 2021-2024
Medical School: Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
Residency: Oregon Health and Science University
Title of Research: Screening for pulmonary hypertension, left ventricular dysfunction, and pericardial effusion for patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant
Mentor: Michael Brook
Post-fellowship Plans: 4th year Heart Failure / Transplant at Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington
Paola Cota Phelan
Training Period: 2021-2024
Medical School: Western University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific
Residency: UC Irvine, Children’s Hospital Orange County
Title of Research: Role of Child Opportunity Index on Neonatal and 1-Year Mortality in Infant Congenital Heart Disease: A Contemporary Population-Based Report
Mentor: Ronn Tanel
Post-fellowship Plans: CICU Hospitalist then Pediatric Critical Care Fellowship
Karen Carr
Training Period: 2021-2024
Medical School: San Juan Bautista School of Medicine
Residency: UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital
Title of Research: ASD Device Closure in Patients Weighing 0-10kg from 2013-2023
Mentor: Ronn Tanel
Post-fellowship Plans: 4th year Interventional Cardiology at UCSF
Anuja Shikhare
Training Period: 2022-2025
Medical School: B.J. Medical College, Pune
Residency: William Beaumont Hospital (Med/Peds)
Title of Research: The relation of right ventricular volume and function to exercise capacity between tetralogy of Fallot versus pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum
Mentor: Mark Cocalis
Liliam Aquino Cristano
Training Period: 2022-2025
Medical School: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia Facultad de Medicina Alberto Hurtado
Residency: Nicklaus Children’s Hospital
Title of Research: Frequency and associations of pulmonary vein collaterals in pediatric patients with pulmonary vein stenosis
Mentor: Elena Amin
Lesje DeRose
Training Period: 2022-2025
Medical School: State University of New York Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine
Residency: UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland
Title of Research: Fetal Socioeconomic and Environmental Exposures Influence Fetal Brain Growth and Risk of Neonatal Brain Injury in Congenital Heart Disease
Mentor: Shab Peyvandi
Phil Cheng
Training Period: 2023-2025
Medical School: Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
Residency: UCSF Fresno
Prior Fellowship: Neonatology at University of California San Diego
Title of Research: Neonatal Cardiology
Mentor: Jeff Meadows
Scott Klein
Training Period: 2023-2026
Medical School: New York Medical College
Residency: UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland
Title of Research: TBD
Mentor: Michael Brook
Mansi Mandhani
Training Period: 2023-2026
Medical School: Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Wardha, India
Residency: Tucson Hospitals Medical Education Program, Tucson Medical Center for Children
Title of Research: TBD
Mentor: Ronn Tanel
Mishaal Ather
Training Period: 2024-2027
Medical School: Aga Khan University Medical College
Residency: Indiana University
Title of Research: TBD
Mentor: TBD
Joseph “Trey” McHale
Training Period: 2024-2027
Medical School: University of Queensland School of Medicine
Residency: University of Louisville
Title of Research: TBD
Mentor: TBD
Hala Mostafa
Training Period: 2024-2027
Medical School: American University of Beirut Faculty of Medicine
Residency: University of Kentucky
Title of Research: TBD
Mentor: TBD
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