Kendall Nash, MD
Nash received her medical degree at UCSF. She also completed a residency in child neurology and a fellowship in epilepsy at UCSF.
Nash has received numerous awards, including the UCSF Health Exceptional Physician Award. She is a member of the American Academy of Neurology and Child Neurology Society.
Kellier D, Anto MM, Hall M, Marin J, Nash K, Wells EM, Abend NS, Hutchinson ML, Moharir M, Messer RD, Palaganas JL, Piantino J, Szperka C, Press C, as the Pediatric Neurohospitalist Work Group. Association of Race and Ethnicity With Emergency Room Rate of Migraine Diagnosis, Testing, and Management in Children With Headache. Neurology 2025. PMID: 39908468
Nash KB, Palaganas J, Abend NS, Hutchinson ML, Messer R, Moharir M, Piantino J, Press CA, Wells E, Pediatric Neurohospitalist Work Group. The State of Inpatient Child Neurology: A Survey of North American Academic Programs. Neurology 2022. PMID: 36096689
Hutchinson ML, Nash KB, Abend NS, Moharir M, Wells E, Messer RD, Palaganas J, Helbig I, Wietstock SO, Suslovic W, Gonzalez AK, Kaufman MC, Press CA, Piantino J, Pediatric Neurohospitalist Work Group. Multicenter Study of the Impact of COVID-19 Shelter-In-Place on Tertiary Hospital-based Care for Pediatric Neurologic Disease. The Neurohospitalist 2022. PMID: 35414846
Schubert RD, Hawes IA, Ramachandran PS, Ramesh A, Crawford ED, Pak JE, Wu W, Cheung CK, O'Donovan BD, Tato CM, Lyden A, Tan M, Sit R, Sowa GM, Sample HA, Zorn KC, Banerji D, Khan LM, Bove R, Hauser SL, Gelfand AA, Johnson-Kerner BL, Nash K, Krishnamoorthy KS, Chitnis T, Ding JZ, McMillan HJ, Chiu CY, Briggs B, Glaser CA, Yen C, Chu V, Wadford DA, Dominguez SR, Ng TFF, Marine RL, Lopez AS, Nix WA, Soldatos A, Gorman MP, Benson L, Messacar K, Konopka-Anstadt JL, Oberste MS, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR. Author Correction: Pan-viral serology implicates enteroviruses in acute flaccid myelitis. Nature medicine 2021. PMID: 34548659
Kahan MD, Breithaupt A, Nash K, Numis AL. Seizure and Interictal Electroencephalographic (EEG) Changes with Cannabinoid Concentrate Use. The American journal of case reports 2021. PMID: 33866321
Vakorin VA, Nita DA, Payne ET, McBain KL, Frndova H, Go C, Ribary U, Abend NS, Gallentine WB, Nash KB, Hutchison JS, Parshuram CS, Snead OC, van Straaten IECW, Stam CJ, Doesburg SM, Hahn CD. Alterations in coordinated EEG activity precede the development of seizures in comatose children. Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology 2021. PMID: 34023630
Nash KB, Abend NS, Hutchinson ML, Messer RD, Wells EM. Reader response: Child neurology in the 21st century: More than the sum of our RVUs. Neurology 2020. PMID: 33318160
Singhal NS, Nash KB. Pediatric Neurology. Seminars in neurology 2020. PMID: 32464674
Rutatangwa A, Mittal N, Francisco C, Nash K, Waubant E. Autoimmune Encephalitis in Children: A Case Series at a Tertiary Care Center. Journal of child neurology 2020. PMID: 32458722
Singhal NS, Nash KB. Pediatric Neurology. Seminars in neurology 2020. PMID: 32268414
Schubert RD, Hawes IA, Ramachandran PS, Ramesh A, Crawford ED, Pak JE, Wu W, Cheung CK, O'Donovan BD, Tato CM, Lyden A, Tan M, Sit R, Sowa GA, Sample HA, Zorn KC, Banerji D, Khan LM, Bove R, Hauser SL, Gelfand AA, Johnson-Kerner BL, Nash K, Krishnamoorthy KS, Chitnis T, Ding JZ, McMillan HJ, Chiu CY, Briggs B, Glaser CA, Yen C, Chu V, Wadford DA, Dominguez SR, Ng TFF, Marine RL, Lopez AS, Nix WA, Soldatos A, Gorman MP, Benson L, Messacar K, Konopka-Anstadt JL, Oberste MS, DeRisi JL, Wilson MR. Pan-viral serology implicates enteroviruses in acute flaccid myelitis. Nature medicine 2019. PMID: 31636453
McBain KL, Payne ET, Sharma R, Frndova H, Abend NS, S?nchez SM, Gallentine WB, Cornett KM, Nash KB, Snead OC, Parshuram CS, Hutchison JS, Hahn CD. Strategies to Maximize Enrollment in a Prospective Study of Comatose Children in the PICU. Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies 2016. PMID: 26825045
Sands TT, Nash K, Tong S, Sullivan J. Focal seizures in children with anti-NMDA receptor antibody encephalitis. Epilepsy research 2015. PMID: 25847336
Yang A, Arndt DH, Berg RA, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Dlugos DJ, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Loddenkemper T, Matsumoto JH, Nash KB, Payne ET, S?nchez Fern?ndez I, Shults J, Topjian AA, Williams K, Wusthoff CJ, Abend NS. Development and validation of a seizure prediction model in critically ill children. Seizure 2014. PMID: 25458097
S?nchez Fern?ndez I, Abend NS, Arndt DH, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Cornett KM, Dlugos DJ, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Matsumoto JH, McBain K, Nash KB, Payne E, S?nchez SM, Williams K, Loddenkemper T. Electrographic seizures after convulsive status epilepticus in children and young adults: a retrospective multicenter study. The Journal of pediatrics 2013. PMID: 24161223
S?nchez SM, Arndt DH, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Cornett KM, Dlugos DJ, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Loddenkemper T, Matsumoto JH, McBain K, Nash KB, Payne E, S?nchez Fern?ndez I, Shults J, Williams K, Yang A, Abend NS. Electroencephalography monitoring in critically ill children: current practice and implications for future study design. Epilepsia 2013. PMID: 23848569
Abend NS, Arndt DH, Carpenter JL, Chapman KE, Cornett KM, Gallentine WB, Giza CC, Goldstein JL, Hahn CD, Lerner JT, Loddenkemper T, Matsumoto JH, McBain K, Nash KB, Payne E, S?nchez SM, Fern?ndez IS, Shults J, Williams K, Yang A, Dlugos DJ. Electrographic seizures in pediatric ICU patients: cohort study of risk factors and mortality. Neurology 2013. PMID: 23794680
Abend NS, Chapman KE, Gallentine WB, Goldstein J, Hyslop AE, Loddenkemper T, Nash KB, Riviello JJ, Hahn CD, Pediatric Critical Care EEG Group (PCCEG) and the Critical Care EEG Monitoring Research Consortium (. Electroencephalographic monitoring in the pediatric intensive care unit. Current neurology and neuroscience reports 2013. PMID: 23335026
Nash KB, Josephson SA, Sun K, Ferriero DM. Should there be pediatric neurohospitalists? Neurology 2013. PMID: 23325904
Glass HC, Nash KB, Bonifacio SL, Barkovich AJ, Ferriero DM, Sullivan JE, Cilio MR. Seizures and magnetic resonance imaging-detected brain injury in newborns cooled for hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. The Journal of pediatrics 2011. PMID: 21839470
Lee J, Croen LA, Lindan C, Nash KB, Yoshida CK, Ferriero DM, Barkovich AJ, Wu YW. Predictors of outcome in perinatal arterial stroke: a population-based study. Annals of neurology 2005. PMID: 16010659