Mandeep Chadha, MD

Dr. Chadha is Clinical Professor of Pediatrics in the UCSF Division of Pediatric Critical Medicine, Medical Director of Quality Improvement for Pediatric Critical Care (Oakland Section), Program Director of Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland Respiratory Care Services, and an attending physician in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. His clinical interests include respiratory therapy and advanced mechanical ventilation, neurointensive care, cardiovascular intensive care, delirium prevention, early mobility, and pediatric ECMO. Other areas of interest include clinical research, medical education, and promoting compassion and well-being as Schwartz Rounds clinical co-lead. He is a member of the Sikh community and lives in the East Bay.
01/2021 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California
06/2011 - Pediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care, Stanford/Lucile Packard Children's Hospital
06/2005 - Pediatric Neurocritical Care & Resuscitation Research, UPMC/Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
06/2004 - Pediatric Critical Care, UPMC/Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
06/2001 - Pediatrics, UAMS/Arkansas Children's Hospital
MD, 05/1998 - Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch
BS, 05/1994 - Chemistry, University of Tulsa
  1. Loberger JM, Hearld KR, Nishisaki A, Khemani RG, Steffen KM, Abu-Sultaneh S, Ventilation Liberation for Kids (VentLib4Kids) Investigators on behalf of the Pediatric Respiratory. Planning a Phased Guideline Implementation Strategy Across the Multicenter Ventilation Liberation for Kids (VentLib4Kids) Collaborative. Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies 2024. PMID: 39699283

  2. Gao WM, Chadha MS, Berger RP, Omenn GS, Allen DL, Pisano M, Adelson PD, Clark RS, Jenkins LW, Kochanek PM. A gel-based proteomic comparison of human cerebrospinal fluid between inflicted and non-inflicted pediatric traumatic brain injury. 2007. PMID: 17263669

  3. Kochanek AR, Kline AE, Gao WM, Chadha M, Lai Y, Clark RS, Dixon CE, Jenkins LW. Gel-based hippocampal proteomic analysis 2 weeks following traumatic brain injury to immature rats using controlled cortical impact. 2006. PMID: 16943664