Mandeep Chadha, MD
Loberger JM, Hearld KR, Nishisaki A, Khemani RG, Steffen KM, Abu-Sultaneh S, Ventilation Liberation for Kids (VentLib4Kids) Investigators on behalf of the Pediatric Respiratory. Planning a Phased Guideline Implementation Strategy Across the Multicenter Ventilation Liberation for Kids (VentLib4Kids) Collaborative. Pediatric critical care medicine : a journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies 2024. PMID: 39699283
Mandeep Chadha
Alex Golchehreh
Anna Konstantin. Pediatric Quality & Safety It Takes Two: Reduction of Unplanned Extubations in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit through Continuous Quality Improvement 2024. PMID:Gao WM, Chadha MS, Berger RP, Omenn GS, Allen DL, Pisano M, Adelson PD, Clark RS, Jenkins LW, Kochanek PM. A gel-based proteomic comparison of human cerebrospinal fluid between inflicted and non-inflicted pediatric traumatic brain injury. 2007. PMID: 17263669
Gao WM, Chadha MS, Kline AE, Clark RS, Kochanek PM, Dixon CE, Jenkins LW. Immunohistochemical analysis of histone H3 acetylation and methylation--evidence for altered epigenetic signaling following traumatic brain injury in immature rats. 2006. PMID: 16406269
Kochanek AR, Kline AE, Gao WM, Chadha M, Lai Y, Clark RS, Dixon CE, Jenkins LW. Gel-based hippocampal proteomic analysis 2 weeks following traumatic brain injury to immature rats using controlled cortical impact. 2006. PMID: 16943664
Narsinghani U, Chadha M, Farrar HC, Anand KS. Life-threatening respiratory failure following accidental infusion of polyethylene glycol electrolyte solution into the lung. 2001. PMID: 11327218