Grand Rounds

Black Womxn’s Lives Matter | Grand Rounds Oakland

Pediatric Grand Rounds Oakland

Presented by:

Katherine Brown, MD, MAS 
Assistant Professor 
Co-director, Black Womxn's Health & Livelihood Initiative 
Fishbon Endowed Chair in Family Planning and Abortion at UCSF Mount Zion 
University of California San Francisco 

Judy Young, MPH 
Executive Director, UCSF National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health 
Co-Director, UCSF Black Womxn’s Health & Livelihood Initiative 
University of California San Francisco 

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Review the state of Black womxn’s health and the context of Black women in the history of obstetrics and gynecology.  

  2. Explain the value of a patient advocate for Black patients.  

  3. Explain the importance of patient voices and patient leadership. 

Contact [email protected] for log-in information.

Add to Calendar 2025-02-11 16:00:00 2025-02-11 17:00:00 Black Womxn’s Lives Matter | Grand Rounds Oakland Presented by: Katherine Brown, MD, MAS  Assistant Professor  Co-director, Black Womxn's Health & Livelihood Initiative  Fishbon Endowed Chair in Family Planning and Abortion at UCSF Mount Zion  University of California San Francisco  Judy Young, MPH  Executive Director, UCSF National Center of Excellence in Women’s Health  Co-Director, UCSF Black Womxn’s Health & Livelihood Initiative  University of California San Francisco  Learning Objectives:  Review the state of Black womxn’s health and the context of Black women in the history of obstetrics and gynecology.   Explain the value of a patient advocate for Black patients.   Explain the importance of patient voices and patient leadership.  Contact [email protected] for log-in information. [email protected] Department of Pediatrics America/Los_Angeles public