Patient Care

Our interdisciplinary team offers comprehensive general pediatric care in both the outpatient and inpatient settings. Care is provided at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital (Parnassus and Mount Zion sites) and San Francisco General Hospital.

UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital

UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital cares for hospitalized infants and children with a wide range of medical and surgical problems.

The Division of General Pediatrics is at the leading edge of pediatric care, and our providers bring the most recent developments to our clinical practice. UCSF General Pediatrics is one of nine National Institutes of Health (NIH) AsthmaNet sites for clinical trials that explore new approaches to treating asthma from childhood through adulthood.

For more information about ongoing clinical trials, please visit our Chipper program site.

The Primary Care clinics at the UCSF Mount Zion campus see over 25,000 patients per year. A dozen experienced attending pediatricians manage full primary care practices and supervise the UCSF pediatric resident clinics. our providers have some of the most popular practices in the Bay Area and are involved in the community through education and public service.

Newborn Nursery Service


The newborn nursery provides care to all infants born at UCSF not requiring neonatal intensive care. The nursery is staffed by physicians and nurse practitioners with special expertise in the care of newborns. Well infants and those with acute illnesses and birth defects are cared for in an environment designed to support the bond between parents and their new baby. New parent education, lactation education, social service support, and case management are all part of the team approach. In addition, the team works closely with home health nurses and the Early Discharge Clinic to ensure a smooth transition home. When desired, circumcisions are performed by the physicians.

Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (ZSFGH)

Located in the city’s multicultural Mission district, SFGH is the City and County hospital for San Francisco. It provides primary health care for many infants, children and adolescents in San Francisco. Caring mostly for the medically underserved, the hospital is also the designated regional trauma center.

SFGH provides culturally competent and sensitive medical services to children, youth and families of San Francisco, especially inner-city, high-risk and socially complex children.

The award-winning SFGH Asthma Clinic helps families learn more about what may be causing or triggering asthma in their child and what they can do to control the asthma.The team works together with the family and referring primary care provider to develop a treatment plan to prevent chronic asthma symptoms and to deal with acute asthma episodes.

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