Long ncRNA Landscape in the Ileum of Treatment-Naive Early-Onset Crohn Disease.

Haberman Y, BenShoshan M, Di Segni A, Dexheimer PJ, Braun T, Weiss B, Walters TD, Baldassano RN, Noe JD, Markowitz J, Rosh J, Heyman MB, Griffiths AM, Crandall WV, Mack DR, Baker SS, Kellermayer R, Patel A, Otley A, Steiner SJ, Gulati AS, Guthery SL, LeLeiko N, Moulton D, Kirschner BS, Snapper S, Avivi C, Barshack I, Oliva-Hemker M, Cohen SA, Keljo DJ, Ziring D, Anikster Y, Aronow B, Hyams JS, Kugathasan S, Denson LA