Pharmacokinetics, safety, tolerability, and antiviral activity of dolutegravir dispersible tablets in infants and children with HIV-1 (IMPAACT P1093): results of an open-label, phase 1-2 trial.

Ruel TD, Acosta EP, Liu JP, Gray KP, George K, Montañez N, Popson S, Buchanan AM, Bartlett M, Dayton D, Anthony P, Brothers C, Vavro C, Singh R, Koech L, Vhembo T, Mmbaga BT, Pinto JA, Dobbels EFM, Archary M, Chokephaibulkit K, Ounchanum P, Deville JG, Hazra R, Townley E, Wiznia A, IMPAACT P1093 team