The effects of glutamine supplementation on markers of apoptosis and autophagy in sickle cell disease peripheral blood mononuclear cells.

Walter PB, Hohman LS, Rokeby A, Lum JJ, Hagar R, Lavrisha L, Saulys A, Kuypers FA, Vichinsky E, Morris CR


L-Glutamine was FDA-approved for sickle cell disease (SCD) in 2017, yet the mechanism(s)-of-action are poorly understood. This study investigates the potential activation of autophagy as a previously unexplored mechanism-of-benefit.


Prospective, open-label, 8-week, phase-2 trial of oral L-glutamine (10 g TID) in patients with SCD at risk for pulmonary hypertension identified by Doppler-echocardiography by an elevated tricuspid-regurgitant-jet-velocity (TRV)≥ 2.5 m/s. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were isolated from blood samples taken from SCD patients at baseline, two, four, six and eight weeks of glutamine therapy, and from controls at baseline; BAX (pro-apoptotic marker) and LC3-II/LC3-I (autophagy marker) were measured via western blot analysis to assess apoptosis and autophagy respectively.


Comprehensive SCD Center in Oakland, California.


Patients with SCD (n = 8) had a mean age of 44 ± 16, 50% were male; 63% Hb-SS, and mean TRV= 3.1 ± 0.7 m/s. Controls' mean age (n = 5) was 32 ± 12% and 57% were male; all were Hb-AA with a mean TRV= 1.8 ± 0.6. At baseline, SCD-PBMCs had 2-times higher levels of BAX and LC3-I versus controls (both p = 0.03). Levels of BAX expression increased by 300% after 8-weeks of glutamine supplementation (p = 0.005); LC3-I protein levels decreased while LC3-II levels increased by 70%, giving a significant increase in the LC3-II/LC3-I ratio (p = 0.02).


PBMCs from glutamine-supplemented SCD patients have upregulated apoptotic and autophagy proteins. The parallel increase in BAX and the LC3-II / LC3-I ratio with glutamine supplementation suggest a possible role of autophagic cell death. The increase in apoptotic markers provide insight into a possible mechanism used by peripheral PBMCs during glutamine supplementation in patients with SCD.

Journal Issue
Volume 70