Considerations for liver transplantation in deoxyguanosine kinase deficiency: A case series and review of the literature.

Duong JT, Pacheco MC, Hsu E, Blondet N


Deoxyguanosine kinase (DGUOK) deficiency is a rare mitochondrial disorder characterized by early onset liver failure and varying degrees of neurologic dysfunction. Patients typically present during infancy with progressive hepatic dysfunction leading to liver failure, which can precede neurologic deterioration. Outcomes posttransplantation are historically worse than average and the role of liver transplantation remains controversial. These factors, in combination with the increasing number of patients being diagnosed via molecular genetic testing, may impede waitlist access.


We report our single-center experience with three patients with DGUOK deficiency, all of whom were considered for transplant. We review the current literature regarding management and discuss the role of liver transplantation in DGUOK deficiency-associated liver failure.


Two patients presented with hypoglycemia, conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, and lactic acidosis within the first week of life, were diagnosed with DGUOK deficiency prior to 2 months of age and had severe neurologic involvement. The third patient presented in later infancy was diagnosed with DGUOK deficiency at 18 months of age and had minimal neurologic involvement. All three patients were considered for transplant, though only two patients were listed. All three died from complications of end-stage liver failure prior to liver transplantation between the ages of 5-20 months.


Selection for liver transplantation in DGUOK deficiency is complex, requiring a multidisciplinary team approach. Recent data suggest that liver transplantation can be successful in select patients with absent or mild neurologic manifestations. National databases reporting long-term outcomes posttransplantation are needed.

Journal Issue
Volume 28 of Issue 1