Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Bergauer T, Dragicevic M, Erö J, Valle AED, Frühwirth R, Jeitler M, Krammer N, Lechner L, Liko D, Mikulec I, Pitters FM, Rad N, Schieck J, Schöfbeck R, Spanring M, Templ S, Waltenberger W, Wulz CE, Zarucki M, Chekhovsky V, Litomin A, Makarenko V, Gonzalez JS, Darwish MR, De Wolf EA, Croce DD, Janssen X, Kello T, Lelek A, Pieters M, Sfar HR, Haevermaet HV, Mechelen PV, Putte SV, Remortel NV, Blekman F, Bols ES, Chhibra SS, D'Hondt J, De Clercq J, Lontkovskyi D, Lowette S, Marchesini I, Moortgat S, Morton A, Müller D, Python Q, Tavernier S, Doninck WV, Mulders PV, Beghin D, Bilin B, Clerbaux B, De Lentdecker G, Dorney B, Favart L, Grebenyuk A, Kalsi AK, Makarenko I, Moureaux L, Pétré L, Popov A, Postiau N, Starling E, Thomas L, Velde CV, Vanlaer P, Vannerom D, Wezenbeek L, Cornelis T, Dobur D, Gruchala M, Khvastunov I, Niedziela M, Roskas C, Skovpen K, Tytgat M, Verbeke W, Vermassen B, Vit M, Bruno G, Bury F, Caputo C, David P, Delaere C, Delcourt M, Donertas IS, Faham HE, Giammanco A, Lemaitre V, Mondal K, Prisciandaro J, Taliercio A, Teklishyn M, Vischia P, Wertz S, Wuyckens S, Alves GA, Hensel C, Moraes A, Júnior WLA, Chagas EBBD, Malbouisson HB, Carvalho W, Chinellato J, Coelho E, Da Costa EM, Da Silveira GG, De Jesus Damiao D, De Souza SF, Martins J, Figueiredo DM, Jaime MM, Herrera CM, Mundim L, Nogima H, Teles PR, Rosas LJS, Santoro A, Amaral SMSD, Sznajder A, Thiel M, Da Silva De Araujo FT, Pereira AV, Bernardes CA, Calligaris L, Tomei TRFP, Gregores EM, Lemos DS, Mercadante PG, Novaes SF, Padula SS, Aleksandrov A, Antchev G, Atanasov I, Hadjiiska R, Iaydjiev P, Misheva M, Rodozov M, Shopova M, Sultanov G, Dimitrov A, Ivanov T, Litov L, Pavlov B, Petkov P, Petrov A, Cheng T, Fang W, Guo Q, Wang H, Yuan L, Ahmad M, Bauer G, Hu Z, Wang Y, Yi K, Chapon E, Chen GM, Chen HS, Chen M, Javaid T, Kapoor A, Leggat D, Li B, Liao H, Liu ZA, Sharma R, Spiezia A, Tao J, Thomas-Wilsker J, Wang J, Zhang H, Zhang S, Zhao J, Agapitos A, Ban Y, Chen C, Huang Q, Levin A, Li Q, Lu M, Lyu X, Mao Y, Qian SJ, Wang D, Wang Q, Xiao J, You Z, Gao X, Xiao M, Avila C, Cabrera A, Florez C, Fraga J, Sarkar A, Delgado MAS, Jaramillo J, Guisao JM, Ramirez F, Alvarez JDR, González CAS, Arbelaez NV, Giljanovic D, Godinovic N, Lelas D, Puljak I, Antunovic Z, Kovac M, Sculac T, Brigljevic V, Ferencek D, Majumder D, Roguljic M, Starodumov A, Susa T, Ather MW, Attikis A, Erodotou E, Ioannou A, Kole G, Kolosova M, Konstantinou S, Mousa J, Nicolaou C, Ptochos F, Razis PA, Rykaczewski H, Saka H, Tsiakkouri D, Finger M, Finger M, Kveton A, Tomsa J, Ayala E, Jarrin EC, Abdalla H, Assran Y, Khalil S, Mahmoud MA, Mohammed Y, Bhowmik S, De Oliveira ACA, Dewanjee RK, Ehataht K, Kadastik M, Raidal M, Veelken C, Eerola P, Forthomme L, Kirschenmann H, Osterberg K, Voutilainen M, Brücken E, Garcia F, Havukainen J, Karimäki V, Kim MS, Kinnunen R, Lampén T, Lassila-Perini K, Lehti S, Lindén T, Siikonen H, Tuominen E, Tuominiemi J, Luukka P, Tuuva T, Amendola C, Besancon M, Couderc F, Dejardin M, Denegri D, Faure JL, Ferri F, Ganjour S, Givernaud A, Gras P, de Monchenault GH, Jarry P, Lenzi B, Locci E, Malcles J, Rander J, Rosowsky A, Sahin MÖ, Savoy-Navarro A, Titov M, Yu GB, Ahuja S, Beaudette F, Bonanomi M, Perraguin AB, Busson P, Charlot C, Davignon O, Diab B, Falmagne G, de Cassagnac RG, Hakimi A, Kucher I, Lobanov A, Perez CM, Nguyen M, Ochando C, Paganini P, Rembser J, Salerno R, Sauvan JB, Sirois Y, Zabi A, Zghiche A, Agram JL, Andrea J, Bloch D, Bourgatte G, Brom JM, Chabert EC, Collard C, Fontaine JC, Gelé D, Goerlach U, Grimault C, Bihan AL, Hove PV, Asilar E, Beauceron S, Bernet C, Boudoul G, Camen C, Carle A, Chanon N, Contardo D, Depasse P, Mamouni HE, Fay J, Gascon S, Gouzevitch M, Ille B, Jain S, Laktineh IB, Lattaud H, Lesauvage A, Lethuillier M, Mirabito L, Torterotot L, Touquet G, Donckt MV, Viret S, Khvedelidze A, Tsamalaidze Z, Feld L, Klein K, Lipinski M, Meuser D, Pauls A, Preuten M, Rauch MP, Schulz J, et al
The rate for Higgs ( ) bosons production in association with either one ( ) or two ( ) top quarks is measured in final states containing multiple electrons, muons, or tau leptons decaying to hadrons and a neutrino, using proton-proton collisions recorded at a center-of-mass energy of by the CMS experiment. The analyzed data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 137 . The analysis is aimed at events that contain , , or decays and each of the top quark(s) decays either to lepton+jets or all-jet channels. Sensitivity to signal is maximized by including ten signatures in the analysis, depending on the lepton multiplicity. The separation among , , and the backgrounds is enhanced through machine-learning techniques and matrix-element methods. The measured production rates for the and signals correspond to and of their respective standard model (SM) expectations. The corresponding observed (expected) significance amounts to 4.7 (5.2) standard deviations for , and to 1.4 (0.3) for production. Assuming that the Higgs boson coupling to the tau lepton is equal in strength to its expectation in the SM, the coupling of the Higgs boson to the top quark divided by its SM expectation, , is constrained to be within or , at 95% confidence level. This result is the most sensitive measurement of the production rate to date.
Journal Issue
Volume 81 of Issue 4