David Gordon, MD, MPH
With support from the Baylor International Pediatric AIDS Initiative (BIPAI), Dr. Gordon co-founded the quality improvement program, the developmental stimulation program, and the pediatrics residency program for University of Gondar Hospital, Ethiopia. He has medical and public health experience in seven countries.
Honors and Awards
Gordon DM, Vega T, Aulakh S, Bhargava-Shah A, Bardach NS, Jain S.. Implementation of Immunization Services Through a Pediatric Urgent Care Clinic Pediatrics. 2024. PMID:
Shehibo A, Admassu F, Bekele T, Solomon M, Solomon L, Gordon DM. Bilateral Orbital Pseudotumor in a 3-Year-Old Child: A Case Report. Journal of tropical pediatrics 2018. PMID: 28582568
Demisse AG, Tigabu Z, Aschale G,Tadesse T, Gordon D. Fanconi anemia in a newborn: unusual presentation Open Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2017. PMID:
Ayalew M, Abayneh M, Gordon DM. Pattern and outcomes of childhood malignancies at University of Gondar Hospital, Ethiopia: nonconsecutive case series Ethiop J Pediatr 2016. PMID:
Gordon DM, Shehibo A, Tazebew A, Huddart MR, Kadir A, Allen N, Draper H, Kokeb M. Implementation of an in-patient pediatric mortality reduction intervention, Gondar University Hospital, Ethiopia. Public health action 2014. PMID: 26400707
Gordon D, Zelalem M, Schutze GE, Bilcha K. Suspected Buruli ulcer of the face: a case report from Ethiopia. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2014. PMID: 24030348
Gordon DM, Frenning S, Draper HR, Kokeb M. Prevalence and burden of diseases presenting to a general pediatrics ward in Gondar, Ethiopia. Journal of tropical pediatrics 2013. PMID: 23644695