Lela Bachrach, MD

Dr. Lela Bachrach works with the department of adolescent medicine at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland (UBCHO). She enjoys clinical work and precepting trainees. Dr. Bachrach leads UBCHO’s multidisciplinary professional group dedicated to ending human trafficking and supporting survivors from a trauma-informed, public health perspective. She also has been instrumental in improving access to long-acting reversible contraceptives at the main teen clinic and the UBCHO school-based health centers. In addition, Dr. Bachrach has taught at the UC Berkeley-UCSF Joint Medical Program, working on the problem-based learning curriculum, as well as clinical skills.
09/2014 - Teaching Scholar Program, University of California, San Francisco
Residency, 2005 - Pediatric Leadership for the Underserved (PLUS), University of California, San Francisco
Residency, 2005 - School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
M.D., 2002 - Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
M.S., 2000 - Medicine, Joint Medical Program, University of California, Berkeley
Honors and Awards
  • School of Public Health Committee on Teaching Excellence award, UCB, 2013-2016
  • Kevin Mack Medical Education Leadership Award, UCB, 2013
  • French Foundation Medical Education Award “outstanding performance by a senior resident", UCSF, 2005
  • Gold-Headed Cane Award nominee "qualities of a true physician", UCSF, 2002
  • Fulbright Award for pediatric public health research at University of the West Indies, UCB, 1996