ABP Scholarly Activity

ABP Definition of Scholarly Activity

The ABP requirements state:

All fellows will be expected to engage in projects in which they develop hypotheses or in projects of substantive scholarly exploration and analysis that require critical thinking i.e., basic, clinical, or translational biomedicine; health services; quality improvement; bioethics; education; and public policy. Fellows must gather and analyze data, derive and defend conclusions, place conclusions, place conclusions in the context of what is knows or not known about a specific area of inquiry, and present work in oral and written form to their SOC. Involvement in scholarly activities must result in the generation of a specific work product.

Examples of ABP Approved Work Products of Scholarly Activity

  • A peer-reviewed publication - fellow played a substantial role
  • An in-depth manuscript describing a completed project
  • A thesis or dissertation written in preparation for advanced degree
  • An extramural grant application - accepted or favorably reviewed
  • A progress report for projects of exceptional complexity, such as a multi-year clinical trial

UCSF SOC Expectations for an Acceptable Written Work Product of Scholarly Activity

It is important to note the guidance from the ABP. The SOC is responsible for determining whether a specific actiivity is sufficient to meet the ABP guidelines for scholarly activity. The SOC is required to approve the written work product as completion of fellowship training (in most cases this will be at the end of year 3 of fellowship)

At times, recent graduates from multiple UCSF Pediatric Fellowship programs have pursued research that is part of a long term project, where publication of results at the end of fellowship would be premature. The SOC shall ensure that the nature of this research clearly fits the ABP reuiqrements for fellows to "engage in projects in which they develop hypotheses, and that require critical thinking."

The UCSF Department of Pediatrics Professional Development Committee, which coordinated and developed the SOC process, unanimously determined that the intent of the ABP requirements is not to dissuade fellows from pursuing high-risk/high-yield, challenging research that will ultimately best prepare them for the rigors of an academic career in favor of projects that lead to an easy, less sophisticated publication. Thus, the Professional Development Committee, in coordination with the SOC, established the following criteria for an acceptable work product for those completing their fellowships at UCSF and who do not yet have a peer-reviewed manuscript, hypothesis-driven scholarly work. For such fellows, an acceptable written work product of scholarly activity can include a written progress report of their work to date. This written report will supplement th eoral presentation of the project to the SOC. This document should be in the format of a journal article typical for the chosen field. Five pages plus references at a minimum shall be sufficient to demonstrate to the SOC that the work product fulfills the ABP requirement of hypothesis-driven work and analysis that requires critical thinking. This document shall include:

  1. Abstract of Progress Report: Must include clear statement of hypothesis tested
  2. Introduction: Should succinctly summarize the field and place importance of question addressed by work in context
  3. Materials and Methods/Research Design: Brief description in format typical of journal articles for field
  4. Results: Summary of major findings to date. Figures may be incorporated into text or in appendix
  5. Discussion: Interpretation and critical analysis of findings in relation to field. Should address any unexpected results/controversies/potential pitfalls
  6. Future Directions: Discussion of future experiments/plans for extension of work
  7. References
  8. Abstracts: Attach any abstract(s) if any, that were generated by fellow in direct relation to the project
  9. Short-term and long-term plan for conclusion of the project: This should include plans for subsequent publication, application fo ron-going funding and/or subsequent project development

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