Research & Academia,

Twenty Years of Learning From a Single Autosomal Recessive Brain Malformation | Frontiers in Child Health Research

Frontiers in Child Health Research

Presented by leading researchers from our Department, from other departments at UCSF and outside institutions, the Frontiers in Child Health Research seminars are meant to promote collaboration and stimulate new ideas. 

Xia Piao
Presented by:

Xian Piao, MD, PhD
Professor of Pediatrics
Benioff Professor in Children’s Health
Director of the Newborn Brain Research Institute
Vice Chief of Academics, Division of Neonatology

Title: Twenty Years of Learning From a Single Autosomal Recessive Brain Malformation

Zoom Link:

Add to Calendar 2024-02-12 20:00:00 2024-02-12 21:00:00 Twenty Years of Learning From a Single Autosomal Recessive Brain Malformation | Frontiers in Child Health Research Presented by leading researchers from our Department, from other departments at UCSF and outside institutions, the Frontiers in Child Health Research seminars are meant to promote collaboration and stimulate new ideas.  Presented by: Xian Piao, MD, PhD Professor of Pediatrics Benioff Professor in Children’s Health Director of the Newborn Brain Research Institute Vice Chief of Academics, Division of Neonatology Title: Twenty Years of Learning From a Single Autosomal Recessive Brain Malformation Zoom Link: [email protected] [email protected] Department of Pediatrics America/Los_Angeles public