Global Health Current Residents


Christina Stiles

Christina Stiles (OAK) 

Graduation Year: 2025
Mentor: Anneka Hooft
Project: Provider perceptions of fever in Malawi

Jasmine Solola

Jasmine Solola (OAK)

Graduation Year: 2025
Mentor: Carol Chen 
Interests: Fellowship development in Tanzania, Pediatric emergency medicine

Su Hwang

Sunny Hwang 

Graduation Year: 2025 
Mentor: Anneka Hooft
Project: Antimicrobial Resistance in a Pediatric Emergency Department in Tanzania

Ted Cho

Ted Cho 

Graduation Year: 2025 
Mentor: Brian Miller (John Hopkins)
Project: US policy

Erin Keizur

Erin Keizur (OAK)

Graduation Year: 2026
Interests: STIs, Capacity building in low-resource communities, Hospitalist medicine

Hannah Rees

Hannah Rees 

Graduation Year: 2026 
Mentor: Anita Arias
Project: Quality indicators, quality improvement and capacity building in pediatric oncology hospitals

Adria Bowles

Adria Bowles

Graduation Year: 2027
Mentor: Sunitha Kaiser
Interests: Native American Health, Pediatric emergency medicine

Amira Nafiseh

Amira Nafiseh

Graduation Year: 2027
Interests: Early childhood neurodevelopmental outcomes in East Africa

Doris Farje

Doris Farje

Graduation Year: 2027
Interests: Neonatal health in Latin America

Erin Faloon

Erin Faloon

Graduation Year: 2027
Interests: Global pediatric critical care

Jenna Baker

Jenna Baker

Graduation Year: 2027
Interests: Medical education, Pediatric emergency & hospitalist medicine

Kira Couch

Kira Couch

Graduation Year: 2027
Interests: Inequities in pediatric cancer survival, Hematology-oncology