Charles Irwin, MD

Charles E. Irwin, Jr., MD, is a distinguished professor of pediatrics and director of the Division of Adolescent & Young Adult Medicine at the University of California (UCSF) School of Medicine and the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital. Irwin is a graduate of Hobart College, Dartmouth Medical School and UCSF. He heads the National Adolescent Health Information and Innovation Center (NAHIC) and the Public Policy Analysis and Education Center for Adolescent and Young Adult Health, where the AYAH NRC is located. He co-leads the AYAH-NRC. Irwin has led the federally funded Leadership Training Program in Adolescent Health since 1977. Over 150 health professional graduate students and fellows have been trained in this program at UCSF since its inception. His current health services research program focuses on improving preventive screening practices in clinical settings and the financial and structural issues altering adolescents’ and young adults’ ability to access health care in the United States. He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed manuscripts, chapters and reports on adolescent health. Irwin is the recipient of the Adele Hofmann Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Outstanding Achievement Award in Adolescent Medicine from the Society for Adolescent Medicine, the Swedish Medical Society’s International Lectureship Award, the National Center for Youth Law’s Award for Research in High Risk Youth, the Society for Adolescent Medicine’s Hillary Millar Award for his leadership of the National Adolescent Health Information Center and the MCHB Lifetime Achievement Award. Irwin has served on several national and international initiatives on Adolescent Health including the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Adolescent Health Care Services and Models of Care for Treatment, Prevention, and Healthy Development, the IOM/NRC Committee on Improving the Health, Safety and Well-Being of Young Adults and the Office of Technology Assessments’ landmark report on Adolescent Health. He also served as the Co-Chair of the AHRQ/CMS Expert Panel on Assessing Healthcare Quality Measures for CHIPRA. He was the president of The Society for Adolescent Medicine in 2004 and the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Adolescent Health, the official journal of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine from 2004-2020. Currently he is the Supplements Editor of Journal.

Other Support:

MCHB 5T71MC00003 Irwin: PI 10/1/77 - 6/30/22 (2.4 calendar)
Leadership Training in Adolescent Health
The major goals of this project are to train individuals in 5 health care disciplines including Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Psychology, and Social Work to become health care leaders.

HRSA U45MC27709 Irwin: PI 09/01/2018 – 08/31/2023 (3.84 calendar)
State Adolescent and Young Adult Health Capacity Building Program (AYA-NRC)
The overall goal of this project is to increase adolescents’ and young adults’ receipt of preventive services by strengthening the abilities of State Title V MCH Programs, and public health and clinical health professionals to serve adolescent and young adults, through efforts to improve health care access, quality, integration, equity and accountability.

HRSA UA6MC27378 Irwin: Co- PI 9/1/17–8/31/22 (0.6 calendar)
MCH Adolescent and Young Adult Health Research Network (AYAH-RN)
The major goals of this project are to develop and maintain a national agenda to translate developmental science into adolescent and young adult practice; promote multi-site, transdisciplinary scientific collaboration; and develop additional research capacity in the Adolescent and Young Adult field.

AHRQ U18HS025297 Irwin: Co-Investigator 9/1/16–9/29/2020 (0.24 calendar)
IMPLEmenting MEeasures NeTwork for Child Health (IMPLEMENT for Child Health)
To Evaluate the feasibility and usability of the new Pediatric Quality Measures Program (PQMP) measures for asthma and sickle cell disease.
M.D., 1971 - Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
Residency, - School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco

  1. Meyers MJ, Irwin CE. Health Care Transitions for Adolescents. Pediatrics 2023. PMID: 37010403

  2. Adams SH, Schaub JP, Nagata J, Park MJ, Brindis CD, Irwin CE. Young Adult Anxiety or Depressive Symptoms and Mental Health Service Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2022. PMID: 35422363

  3. Ford CA, Bourgeois F, Buckelew SM, Emans SJ, English A, Evans YN, Irwin CE, Richardson LP, Sherer S, Short S, Sieving RE, Simpson T, Tanaka D, White K. Twenty-First Century Cures Act Final Rule and Adolescent Health Care: Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) Program Experiences. 2021. PMID: 34666958

  4. Adams SH, Park MJ, Twietmeyer L, Brindis CD, Irwin CE. Association Between Adolescent Preventive Care and the Role of the Affordable Care Act. JAMA pediatrics 2018. PMID: 29114725

  5. Shlafer R, Hergenroeder AC, Jean Emans S, Rickert VI, Adger H, Spear B, Irwin CE, Kreipe RE, Walker LR, Resnick MD. Adolescence as a critical stage in the MCH Life Course Model: commentary for the Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) interdisciplinary training program projects. Maternal and child health journal 2014. PMID: 23435919

  6. Catalano RF, Fagan AA, Gavin LE, Greenberg MT, Irwin CE, Ross DA, Shek DT. Worldwide application of prevention science in adolescent health. Lancet (London, England) 2012. PMID: 22538180

  7. Jasik CB, Adams SH, Irwin CE, Ozer E. The association of BMI status with adolescent preventive screening. Pediatrics 2011. PMID: 21768313

  8. Ozer EM, Adams SH, Orrell-Valente JK, Wibbelsman CJ, Lustig JL, Millstein SG, Garber AK, Irwin CE. Does delivering preventive services in primary care reduce adolescent risky behavior? The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 2011. PMID: 22018561

  9. Emans SJ, Austin SB, Goodman E, Orr DP, Freeman R, Stoff D, Litt IF, Schuster MA, Haggerty R, Granger R, Irwin CE, participants of the W.T. Grant Foundation conference on Training Physician Scientists. Improving adolescent and young adult health - training the next generation of physician scientists in transdisciplinary research. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 2010. PMID: 20113915

  10. Berg TD, Catalano RF, Chase-Lansdale PL, Irwin CE, Michaud PA, Orr DP, Sonenstein FL. The health and well being of adolescents in the United States, 2009. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 2009. PMID: 19541243

  11. Irwin CE, Adams SH, Park MJ, Newacheck PW. Preventive care for adolescents: few get visits and fewer get services. Pediatrics 2009. PMID: 19336348

  12. Adams SH, Newacheck PW, Park MJ, Brindis CD, Irwin CE. Health insurance across vulnerable ages: patterns and disparities from adolescence to the early 30s. Pediatrics 2007. PMID: 17473076

  13. Knopf DK, Jane Park M, Brindis CD, Mulye TP, Irwin CE. What gets measured gets done: assessing data availability for adolescent populations. Maternal and child health journal 2007. PMID: 17308967

  14. Ozer EM, Adams SH, Lustig JL, Gee S, Garber AK, Gardner LR, Rehbein M, Addison L, Irwin CE. Increasing the screening and counseling of adolescents for risky health behaviors: a primary care intervention. Pediatrics 2005. PMID: 15805371

  15. Newacheck PW, Park MJ, Brindis CD, Biehl M, Irwin CE. Trends in private and public health insurance for adolescents. JAMA 2004. PMID: 15010445

  16. Newacheck PW, Hung YY, Park MJ, Brindis CD, Irwin CE. Disparities in adolescent health and health care: does socioeconomic status matter? Health services research 2003. PMID: 14596388

  17. Pirkis JE, Irwin CE, Brindis CD, Sawyer MG, Friestad C, Biehl M, Patton GC. Receipt of psychological or emotional counseling by suicidal adolescents. Pediatrics 2003. PMID: 12671157