John Takayama, MD, MPH

I am a general pediatrician at UCSF Mount Zion Pediatric Primary Care, provide primary care to children with medical complexity and/or developmental disabilities, collaborate with community agencies including Support for Families of Children with Disabilities, California Children's Services and By The Bay Kids to assure coordinated care. I am involved with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts both within and outside of UCSF. I serve on the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics. My interest areas include health care communication, transition for youth with special health care needs, mental and behavioral health screening and disaster recovery.
2019 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California
2001 - Teaching Scholars Program, University of California
MPH, 1992 - Health Services, University of Washington
Residency, 1989 - Pediatrics, Yale New Haven Hospital
M.D., 1985 - School of Medicine, New York University
Honors and Awards
  • Compassionate Faculty Physician Award, Department of Pediatrics, UCSF, 2019
  • Outstanding Achievement Award, American Academy Pediatrics Section Epidem, Public Health, Evidence; Council Community Pediatrics, 2018

  1. Okumura MJ, Knauer HA, Calvin KE, Takayama JI. Pediatricians' Comfort Level in Caring for Children With Special Health Care Needs. Academic pediatrics 2017. PMID: 28246025

  2. Inokuchi M, Matsuo N, Takayama JI, Hasegawa T. Trends in thin body stature among Japanese female adolescents, 2003-2012. Annals of human biology 2014. PMID: 25365031

  3. Beck AL, Takayama JI, Halpern-Felsher B, Badiner N, Barker JC. Understanding how Latino parents choose beverages to serve to infants and toddlers. Maternal and child health journal 2014. PMID: 24077961

  4. Inokuchi M, Matsuo N, Takayama JI, Hasegawa T. Trends in thin body stature among Japanese male adolescents, 2003-2012. Annals of human biology 2013. PMID: 24274656

  5. Nomura O, Hashimoto N, Ishiguro A, Miyasaka M, Nosaka S, Oana S, Sakai H, Takayama JI. Comparison of patients with Kawasaki disease with retropharyngeal edema and patients with retropharyngeal abscess. European journal of pediatrics 2013. PMID: 24146166

  6. Y. Ohya, I. Nomura, M. Natori, M. Kitagawa, A. Akasawa, S. Sugama, S. Aizawa, J.I. Takayama. Antibiotics during Pregnancy is a Risk Factor for Child's Eczema and Wheezing. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2008. PMID:

  7. Chamberlain LJ, Sanders LM, Takayama JI. Advocacy by any other name would smell as sweet. Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine 2006. PMID: 16585499

  8. Pantell RH, Newman TB, Bernzweig J, Bergman DA, Takayama JI, Segal M, Finch SA, Wasserman RC. Management and outcomes of care of fever in early infancy. JAMA 2004. PMID: 15010441

  9. Lannon CM, Coven BJ, Lane France F, Hickson GB, Miles PV, Swanson JT, Takayama JI, Wood DL, Yamamoto L, National Initiative for Children's Health Care Quality Project Advisory Committee. Principles of patient safety in pediatrics. Pediatrics 2001. PMID: 11389280

  10. Chesney RW, Dungy CI, Gillman MW, Rivara FP, Schonfeld DJ, Takayama JI, Alexander DF, Cairo MS, Dreyer BP, van Dyck P, Ferrieri P, Kohrt AE, McAnarney ER, Margolis LH, Orr DP, Rothstein E, Simpson L, Weitzman M, Schonfeld DJ, Yudkowsky BK, Committee on Pediatric Research. Promoting education, mentorship, and support for pediatric research. Pediatrics 2001. PMID: 11389274

  11. Takayama JI, Teng W, Uyemoto J, Newman TB, Pantell RH. Body temperature of newborns: what is normal? Clinical pediatrics 2000. PMID: 11005363

  12. Newman TB, Takayama JI. Urinary tract infection controversy and questions. Pediatrics 1998. PMID: 9556412

  13. Pantell RH, Takayama JI, Newman TB. Costs and benefits of lead screening. JAMA 1993. PMID: 8411571