Ronald Clyman, MD
Columbia University School of Medicine 1971
Guardado M, Torgerson D, Chapin C, Atum A, Hernandez RD, Clyman R, Simmons R, Parry S, Ballard PL. Urinary Acetaminophen Metabolites and Clinical Outcomes in Extremely Premature Infants. American journal of perinatology 2025. PMID: 39788537
Clyman RI, Rosenstein MG, Liebowitz MC, Rogers EE, Kramer KP, Hills NK. Betamethasone treatment-to-delivery interval, retreatment, and severe intraventricular hemorrhage in infants <28 weeks' gestation. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2024. PMID: 38971464
Clyman RI, Hills NK. Prophylactic indomethacin and the risk of serious pulmonary hemorrhages in preterm infants less than 28 weeks' gestation. Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2024. PMID: 38658692
Clyman RI. Prophylactic Indomethacin in Infants Born Extremely Preterm: Risks and Benefits Revisited. The Journal of pediatrics 2023. PMID: 37329978
Liguori MB, Ali SKM, Bussman N, Colaizy T, Hundscheid T, Phad N, Clyman R, de Boode WP, de Waal K, El-Khuffash A, Gupta S, Laughon M. Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Premature Infants: Clinical Trials and Equipoise. The Journal of pediatrics 2023. PMID: 37269903
Clyman RI, Hills NK. Prophylactic indomethacin, antenatal betamethasone, and the risk of intestinal perforation in infants <28 weeks' gestation. Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2023. PMID: 36973384
Clyman RI, Hills NK. Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and pulmonary morbidity: can early targeted pharmacologic PDA treatment decrease the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia? Seminars in perinatology 2023. PMID: 36882361
Nawaytou H, Hills NK, Clyman RI. Patent ductus arteriosus and the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia-associated pulmonary hypertension. Pediatric research 2023. PMID: 36804505
Clyman RI, Hills NK. Effects of prophylactic indomethacin on morbidity and mortality in infants <25 weeks' gestation: a protocol driven intention to treat analysis. Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2022. PMID: 36310242
Erdeve Ö, Okulu E, Singh Y, Sindelar R, Oncel MY, Terrin G, Boscarino G, Bülbül A, Sallmon H, Atasay B, Ovali F, Clyman RI. An Update on Patent Ductus Arteriosus and What is Coming Next. 2022. PMID: 35383006
Cambonie G, Clyman RI, Rozé JC. Management of persistent ductus arteriosus in very premature neonates. Results of the French TRIOCAPI trial, perspectives for clinicians, and subsequent studies on this topic. Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie 2021. PMID: 34511277
González-Luis G, Ghirardello S, Bas-Suárez P, Cavallaro G, Mosca F, Clyman RI, Villamor E. Corrigendum: Platelet Counts and Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Preterm Infants: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics 2021. PMID: 34095038
Clyman RI, Hills NK, Dagle JM, Murray JC, Kelsey K. Interactions between PDA-associated polymorphisms and genetic ancestry alter ductus arteriosus gene expression. Pediatric research 2021. PMID: 33837257
Clyman RI, Hills NK, Cambonie G, Debillon T, Ligi I, Gascoin G, Patkai J, Beuchee A, Favrais G, Durrmeyer X, Flamant C, Rozé JC. Patent ductus arteriosus, tracheal ventilation, and the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Pediatric research 2021. PMID: 33790415
Clyman RI. Reply. The Journal of pediatrics 2021. PMID: 33766537
González-Luis G, Ghiradello S, Bas-Suárez P, Cavallaro G, Mosca F, Clyman RI, Villamor E. Platelet Counts and Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Preterm Infants: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in pediatrics 2021. PMID: 33553072
Rozé JC, Cambonie G, Le Thuaut A, Debillon T, Ligi I, Gascoin G, Patkai J, Beuchee A, Favrais G, Flamant C, Durrmeyer X, Clyman R. Effect of Early Targeted Treatment of Ductus Arteriosus with Ibuprofen on Survival Without Cerebral Palsy at 2 Years in Infants with Extreme Prematurity: A Randomized Clinical Trial. The Journal of pediatrics 2020. PMID: 33307111
Clyman RI, Kaempf J, Liebowitz M, Erdeve O, Bulbul A, Håkansson S, Lindqvist J, Farooqi A, Katheria A, Sauberan J, Singh J, Nelson K, Wickremasinghe A, Dong L, Hassinger DC, Aucott SW, Hayashi M, Heuchan AM, Carey WA, Derrick M, Fernandez E, Sankar M, Leone T, Perez J, Serize A, PDA-TOLERATE Trial Investigators. Prolonged Tracheal Intubation and the Association Between Patent Ductus Arteriosus and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: A Secondary Analysis of the PDA-TOLERATE trial. The Journal of pediatrics 2020. PMID: 32979387
Clyman RI, Hills NK. The effect of prolonged tracheal intubation on the association between patent ductus arteriosus and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (grades 2 and 3). Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2020. PMID: 32669644
Clyman RI, Jin C, Hills NK. A role for neonatal bacteremia in deaths due to intestinal perforation: spontaneous intestinal perforation compared with perforated necrotizing enterocolitis. Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2020. PMID: 32433511
Hills NK, Clyman R. Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) for Patent Ductus Arteriosus: Where Do We Stand? The Journal of pediatrics 2020. PMID: 32362411
Clyman RI, Hills NK, Liebowitz M, Johng S. Relationship between Duration of Infant Exposure to a Moderate-to-Large Patent Ductus Arteriosus Shunt and the Risk of Developing Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia or Death Before 36 Weeks. American journal of perinatology 2019. PMID: 31600791
Clyman RI, Benitz WE. Transcatheter patent ductus arteriosus closure-will history repeat itself? Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2019. PMID: 31515503
Rooney SR, Shelton EL, Aka I, Shaffer CM, Clyman RI, Dagle JM, Ryckman K, Lewis TR, Reese J, Van Driest SL, Kannankeril PJ. CYP2C9*2 is associated with indomethacin treatment failure for patent ductus arteriosus. Pharmacogenomics 2019. PMID: 31486736
Liebowitz M, Katheria A, Sauberan J, Singh J, Nelson K, Hassinger DC, Aucott SW, Kaempf J, Kimball A, Fernandez E, Carey WA, Perez J, Serize A, Wickremasinghe A, Dong L, Derrick M, Wolf IS, Heuchan AM, Sankar M, Bulbul A, Clyman RI, PDA-TOLERATE (PDA: TOLEave it alone or Respond And Treat Early) Trial Investigators. Lack of Equipoise in the PDA-TOLERATE Trial: A Comparison of Eligible Infants Enrolled in the Trial and Those Treated Outside the Trial. The Journal of pediatrics 2019. PMID: 31255386
Liebowitz M, Kaempf J, Erdeve O, Bulbul A, Håkansson S, Lindqvist J, Farooqi A, Katheria A, Sauberan J, Singh J, Nelson K, Wickremasinghe A, Dong L, Hassinger DC, Aucott SW, Hayashi M, Heuchan AM, Carey WA, Derrick M, Wolf IS, Kimball A, Sankar M, Leone T, Perez J, Serize A, Clyman RI. Comparative effectiveness of drugs used to constrict the patent ductus arteriosus: a secondary analysis of the PDA-TOLERATE trial (NCT01958320). Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2019. PMID: 30850756
Villamor-Martinez E, Kilani MA, Degraeuwe PL, Clyman RI, Villamor E. Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Very and Extremely Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in endocrinology 2019. PMID: 30800098
Clyman RI, Liebowitz M, Kaempf J, Erdeve O, Bulbul A, Håkansson S, Lindqvist J, Farooqi A, Katheria A, Sauberan J, Singh J, Nelson K, Wickremasinghe A, Dong L, Hassinger DC, Aucott SW, Hayashi M, Heuchan AM, Carey WA, Derrick M, Fernandez E, Sankar M, Leone T, Perez J, Serize A, PDA-TOLERATE (PDA: TO LEave it alone or Respond And Treat Early) Trial Investigators. PDA-TOLERATE Trial: An Exploratory Randomized Controlled Trial of Treatment of Moderate-to-Large Patent Ductus Arteriosus at 1 Week of Age. The Journal of pediatrics 2018. PMID: 30340932
Shelton EL, Waleh N, Plosa EJ, Benjamin JT, Milne GL, Hooper CW, Ehinger NJ, Poole S, Brown N, Seidner S, McCurnin D, Reese J, Clyman RI. Effects of antenatal betamethasone on preterm human and mouse ductus arteriosus: comparison with baboon data. Pediatric research 2018. PMID: 29976969
Clyman RI. Patent ductus arteriosus, its treatments, and the risks of pulmonary morbidity. Seminars in perinatology 2018. PMID: 29958703
Yarboro MT, Durbin MD, Herington JL, Shelton EL, Zhang T, Ebby CG, Stoller JZ, Clyman RI, Reese J. Transcriptional profiling of the ductus arteriosus: Comparison of rodent microarrays and human RNA sequencing. Seminars in perinatology 2018. PMID: 29910032
Higgins RD, Jobe AH, Koso-Thomas M, Bancalari E, Viscardi RM, Hartert TV, Ryan RM, Kallapur SG, Steinhorn RH, Konduri GG, Davis SD, Thebaud B, Clyman RI, Collaco JM, Martin CR, Woods JC, Finer NN, Raju TNK. Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Executive Summary of a Workshop. The Journal of pediatrics 2018. PMID: 29551318
Clyman RI, Liebowitz M. Treatment and Nontreatment of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus: Identifying Their Roles in Neonatal Morbidity. The Journal of pediatrics 2017. PMID: 28709633
Goyal R, Clyman RI. Response to Coceani et al. Pediatric research 2017. PMID: 28613277
Liebowitz M, Clyman RI. Prophylactic Indomethacin Compared with Delayed Conservative Management of the Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Extremely Preterm Infants: Effects on Neonatal Outcomes. The Journal of pediatrics 2017. PMID: 28396025
Liebowitz M, Koo J, Wickremasinghe A, Allen IE, Clyman RI. Effects of Prophylactic Indomethacin on Vasopressor-Dependent Hypotension in Extremely Preterm Infants. The Journal of pediatrics 2016. PMID: 27915200
Liebowitz M, Clyman RI. Antenatal Betamethasone: A Prolonged Time Interval from Administration to Delivery Is Associated with an Increased Incidence of Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage in Infants Born before 28 Weeks Gestation. The Journal of pediatrics 2016. PMID: 27514239
Goyal R, Goyal D, Longo LD, Clyman RI. Microarray gene expression analysis in ovine ductus arteriosus during fetal development and birth transition. Pediatric research 2016. PMID: 27356085
Jelin AC, Zlatnik MG, Kuppermann M, Gregorich SE, Nakagawa S, Clyman R. Clamp late and maintain perfusion (CLAMP) policy: delayed cord clamping in preterm infants. The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians 2015. PMID: 26135773
Waleh N, Barrette AM, Dagle JM, Momany A, Jin C, Hills NK, Shelton EL, Reese J, Clyman RI. Effects of Advancing Gestation and Non-Caucasian Race on Ductus Arteriosus Gene Expression. The Journal of pediatrics 2015. PMID: 26265282
Simon SR, van Zogchel L, Bas-Suárez MP, Cavallaro G, Clyman RI, Villamor E. Platelet Counts and Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Preterm Infants: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Neonatology 2015. PMID: 26159239
Liebowitz MC, Clyman RI. Predicting the Need for Home Oxygen Therapy in Preterm Infants Born Before 28 Weeks' Gestation. American journal of perinatology 2015. PMID: 26084746
Noori S, McNamara P, Jain A, Lavoie PM, Wickremasinghe A, Merritt TA, Solomon T, Sekar K, Attridge JT, Swanson JR, Gillam-Krakauer M, Reese J, Poindexter BB, Brook M, Auchus RJ, Clyman RI, PDA Ligation/Hypotension Trial Investigators. Catecholamine-resistant hypotension and myocardial performance following patent ductus arteriosus ligation. Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2014. PMID: 25118721
Heuchan AM, Clyman RI. Managing the patent ductus arteriosus: current treatment options. Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal edition 2014. PMID: 24903455
Clyman RI, Wickremasinghe A, Merritt TA, Solomon T, McNamara P, Jain A, Singh J, Chu A, Noori S, Sekar K, Lavoie PM, Attridge JT, Swanson JR, Gillam-Krakauer M, Reese J, DeMauro S, Poindexter B, Aucott S, Satpute M, Fernandez E, Auchus RJ, Patent Ductus Arteriosus Ligation/Hypotension Trial Investigators. Hypotension following patent ductus arteriosus ligation: the role of adrenal hormones. The Journal of pediatrics 2014. PMID: 24636853
Jelin AC, Kuppermann M, Erickson K, Clyman R, Schulkin J. Obstetricians' attitudes and beliefs regarding umbilical cord clamping. The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians 2013. PMID: 24215582
Yanowitz TD, Reese J, Gillam-Krakauer M, Cochran CM, Jegatheesan P, Lau J, Tran VT, Walsh M, Carey WA, Fujii A, Fabio A, Clyman R. Superior mesenteric artery blood flow velocities following medical treatment of a patent ductus arteriosus. The Journal of pediatrics 2013. PMID: 24321538
Clyman RI. The role of patent ductus arteriosus and its treatments in the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Seminars in perinatology 2013. PMID: 23582964
Clyman R, Wickremasinghe A, Jhaveri N, Hassinger DC, Attridge JT, Sanocka U, Polin R, Gillam-Krakauer M, Reese J, Mammel M, Couser R, Mulrooney N, Yanowitz TD, Derrick M, Jegatheesan P, Walsh M, Fujii A, Porta N, Carey WA, Swanson JR, Ductus Arteriosus Feed or Fast with Indomethacin or Ibuprofen (DAFFII) Investigators. Enteral feeding during indomethacin and ibuprofen treatment of a patent ductus arteriosus. The Journal of pediatrics 2013. PMID: 23472765
Catenacci M, Miyagi S, Wickremasinghe AC, Lucas SS, de Alba Campomanes AG, Good WV, Clyman RI. Dopamine-resistant hypotension and severe retinopathy of prematurity. The Journal of pediatrics 2013. PMID: 23465406
Wickremasinghe AC, Rogers EE, Piecuch RE, Johnson BC, Golden S, Moon-Grady AJ, Clyman RI. Neurodevelopmental outcomes following two different treatment approaches (early ligation and selective ligation) for patent ductus arteriosus. The Journal of pediatrics 2012. PMID: 22795222
Clyman RI. Surgical ligation of the patent ductus arteriosus: treatment or morbidity? The Journal of pediatrics 2012. PMID: 22795223
Clyman RI, Couto J, Murphy GM. Patent ductus arteriosus: are current neonatal treatment options better or worse than no treatment at all? Seminars in perinatology 2012. PMID: 22414883
Sutherland MR, Yoder BA, McCurnin D, Seidner S, Gubhaju L, Clyman RI, Black MJ. Effects of ibuprofen treatment on the developing preterm baboon kidney. American journal of physiology. Renal physiology 2012. PMID: 22357916
Waleh N, Seidner S, McCurnin D, Giavedoni L, Hodara V, Goelz S, Liu BM, Roman C, Clyman RI. Anatomic closure of the premature patent ductus arteriosus: The role of CD14+/CD163+ mononuclear cells and VEGF in neointimal mound formation. Pediatric research 2011. PMID: 21691249
Waleh N, McCurnin DC, Yoder BA, Shaul PW, Clyman RI. Patent ductus arteriosus ligation alters pulmonary gene expression in preterm baboons. Pediatric research 2011. PMID: 21131894
Shah NA, Hills NK, Waleh N, McCurnin D, Seidner S, Chemtob S, Clyman R. Relationship between circulating platelet counts and ductus arteriosus patency after indomethacin treatment. The Journal of pediatrics 2010. PMID: 21195414
Loeliger M, Shields A, McCurnin D, Clyman RI, Yoder B, Inder TE, Rees SM. Ibuprofen treatment for closure of patent ductus arteriosus is not associated with increased risk of neuropathology. Pediatric research 2010. PMID: 20581742
Waleh N, Hodnick R, Jhaveri N, McConaghy S, Dagle J, Seidner S, McCurnin D, Murray JC, Ohls R, Clyman RI. Patterns of gene expression in the ductus arteriosus are related to environmental and genetic risk factors for persistent ductus patency. Pediatric research 2010. PMID: 20581741
Jhaveri N, Moon-Grady A, Clyman RI. Early surgical ligation versus a conservative approach for management of patent ductus arteriosus that fails to close after indomethacin treatment. The Journal of pediatrics 2010. PMID: 20434168
Chen S, Tacy T, Clyman R. How useful are B-type natriuretic peptide measurements for monitoring changes in patent ductus arteriosus shunt magnitude? Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2010. PMID: 20376057
Jhaveri N, Soll RF, Clyman RI. Feeding practices and patent ductus arteriosus ligation preferences-are they related? American journal of perinatology 2010. PMID: 20225172
Clyman R, Chemtob S. Vessel remodeling in the newborn: platelets fill the gap. Nature medicine 2010. PMID: 20057422
Reese J, Waleh N, Poole SD, Brown N, Roman C, Clyman RI. Chronic in utero cyclooxygenase inhibition alters PGE2-regulated ductus arteriosus contractile pathways and prevents postnatal closure. Pediatric research 2009. PMID: 19390487
Clyman R, Cassady G, Kirklin JK, Collins M, Philips JB. The role of patent ductus arteriosus ligation in bronchopulmonary dysplasia: reexamining a randomized controlled trial. The Journal of pediatrics 2009. PMID: 19324366
Waleh N, Reese J, Kajino H, Roman C, Seidner S, McCurnin D, Clyman RI. Oxygen-induced tension in the sheep ductus arteriosus: effects of gestation on potassium and calcium channel regulation. Pediatric research 2009. PMID: 19092721
Loeliger M, Inder TE, Dalitz PA, Cain S, Camm EJ, Yoder B, McCurnin D, Shaul PW, Clyman R, Rees SM. Developmental and neuropathological consequences of ductal ligation in the preterm baboon. Pediatric research 2009. PMID: 19047953
McCurnin DC, Pierce RA, Willis BC, Chang LY, Yoder BA, Yuhanna IS, Ballard PL, Clyman RI, Waleh N, Maniscalco W, Crapo JD, Grubb PH, Shaul PW. Postnatal estradiol up-regulates lung nitric oxide synthases and improves lung function in bronchopulmonary dysplasia. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2009. PMID: 19151197
Aranda JV, Clyman R, Cox B, Van Overmeire B, Wozniak P, Sosenko I, Carlo WA, Ward RM, Shalwitz R, Baggs G, Seth A, Darko L. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on intravenous ibuprofen L-lysine for the early closure of nonsymptomatic patent ductus arteriosus within 72 hours of birth in extremely low-birth-weight infants. American journal of perinatology 2008. PMID: 19067286
McCurnin D, Clyman RI. Effects of a patent ductus arteriosus on postprandial mesenteric perfusion in premature baboons. Pediatrics 2008. PMID: 19001037
Liu H, Manganiello V, Waleh N, Clyman RI. Expression, activity, and function of phosphodiesterases in the mature and immature ductus arteriosus. Pediatric research 2008. PMID: 18552705
Ivey KN, Sutcliffe D, Richardson J, Clyman RI, Garcia JA, Srivastava D. Transcriptional regulation during development of the ductus arteriosus. Circulation research 2008. PMID: 18635823
McCurnin D, Seidner S, Chang LY, Waleh N, Ikegami M, Petershack J, Yoder B, Giavedoni L, Albertine KH, Dahl MJ, Wang ZM, Clyman RI. Ibuprofen-induced patent ductus arteriosus closure: physiologic, histologic, and biochemical effects on the premature lung. Pediatrics 2008. PMID: 18450898
Jegatheesan P, Ianus V, Buchh B, Yoon G, Chorne N, Ewig A, Lin E, Fields S, Moon-Grady A, Tacy T, Milstein J, Schreiber M, Padbury J, Clyman R. Increased indomethacin dosing for persistent patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial. The Journal of pediatrics 2008. PMID: 18534218
Chang LY, McCurnin D, Yoder B, Shaul PW, Clyman RI. Ductus arteriosus ligation and alveolar growth in preterm baboons with a patent ductus arteriosus. Pediatric research 2008. PMID: 18287969
Chorne N, Jegatheesan P, Lin E, Shi R, Clyman RI. Risk factors for persistent ductus arteriosus patency during indomethacin treatment. The Journal of pediatrics 2007. PMID: 18035143
Clyman RI, Roman C. The effects of caffeine on the preterm sheep ductus arteriosus. Pediatric research 2007. PMID: 17597645
Clyman RI, Waleh N, Kajino H, Roman C, Mauray F. Calcium-dependent and calcium-sensitizing pathways in the mature and immature ductus arteriosus. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2007. PMID: 17652360
Chorne N, Leonard C, Piecuch R, Clyman RI. Patent ductus arteriosus and its treatment as risk factors for neonatal and neurodevelopmental morbidity. Pediatrics 2007. PMID: 17545385
Clyman RI, Chorne N. Patent ductus arteriosus: evidence for and against treatment. The Journal of pediatrics 2007. PMID: 17307530
Clyman RI, Saha S, Jobe A, Oh W. Indomethacin prophylaxis for preterm infants: the impact of 2 multicentered randomized controlled trials on clinical practice. The Journal of pediatrics 2007. PMID: 17188612
Reese J, Anderson JD, Brown N, Roman C, Clyman RI. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase isoforms in late- but not midgestation decreases contractility of the ductus arteriosus and prevents postnatal closure in mice. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2006. PMID: 16857891
Asikainen TM, Chang LY, Coalson JJ, Schneider BK, Waleh NS, Ikegami M, Shannon JM, Winter VT, Grubb P, Clyman RI, Yoder BA, Crapo JD, White CW. Improved lung growth and function through hypoxia-inducible factor in primate chronic lung disease of prematurity. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology 2006. PMID: 16807366
Clyman RI. Mechanisms regulating the ductus arteriosus. Biology of the neonate 2006. PMID: 16770073
Asikainen TM, Waleh NS, Schneider BK, Clyman RI, White CW. Enhancement of angiogenic effectors through hypoxia-inducible factor in preterm primate lung in vivo. American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology 2006. PMID: 16679381
Hermes-DeSantis ER, Clyman RI. Patent ductus arteriosus: pathophysiology and management. Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association 2006. PMID: 16625216
Miller SP, Mayer EE, Clyman RI, Glidden DV, Hamrick SE, Barkovich AJ. Prolonged indomethacin exposure is associated with decreased white matter injury detected with magnetic resonance imaging in premature newborns at 24 to 28 weeks' gestation at birth. Pediatrics 2006. PMID: 16651316
Keller RL, Tacy TA, Fields S, Ofenstein JP, Aranda JV, Clyman RI. Combined treatment with a nonselective nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (l-NMMA) and indomethacin increases ductus constriction in extremely premature newborns. Pediatric research 2005. PMID: 16306196
Levin M, McCurnin D, Seidner SR, Yoder B, Waleh N, Goldbarg S, Roman C, Liu BM, Borén J, Clyman RI. Postnatal constriction, ATP depletion, and cell death in the mature and immature ductus arteriosus. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2005. PMID: 16223843
McCurnin DC, Yoder BA, Coalson J, Grubb P, Kerecman J, Kupferschmid J, Breuer C, Siler-Khodr T, Shaul PW, Clyman R. Effect of ductus ligation on cardiopulmonary function in premature baboons. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2005. PMID: 16179644
Asikainen TM, Schneider BK, Waleh NS, Clyman RI, Ho WB, Flippin LA, Günzler V, White CW. Activation of hypoxia-inducible factors in hyperoxia through prolyl 4-hydroxylase blockade in cells and explants of primate lung. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2005. PMID: 16009933
Levin M, Goldbarg S, Lindqvist A, Swärd K, Roman C, Liu BM, Hultén LM, Borén J, Clyman RI. ATP depletion and cell death in the neonatal lamb ductus arteriosus. Pediatric research 2005. PMID: 15774827
Waleh N, Seidner S, McCurnin D, Yoder B, Liu BM, Roman C, Mauray F, Clyman RI. The role of monocyte-derived cells and inflammation in baboon ductus arteriosus remodeling. Pediatric research 2004. PMID: 15611359
Waleh N, Kajino H, Marrache AM, Ginzinger D, Roman C, Seidner SR, Moss TJ, Fouron JC, Vazquez-Tello A, Chemtob S, Clyman RI. Prostaglandin E2--mediated relaxation of the ductus arteriosus: effects of gestational age on g protein-coupled receptor expression, signaling, and vasomotor control. Circulation 2004. PMID: 15477420
Vazquez-Tello A, Fan L, Hou X, Joyal JS, Mancini JA, Quiniou C, Clyman RI, Gobeil F, Varma DR, Chemtob S. Intracellular-specific colocalization of prostaglandin E2 synthases and cyclooxygenases in the brain. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2004. PMID: 15284079
Clyman R. Oxygen-saturation targets and outcomes in extremely preterm infants. The Journal of pediatrics 2004. PMID: 15032225
Bouayad A, Fouron JC, Hou X, Beauchamp M, Quiniou C, Abran D, Peri K, Clyman RI, Varma DR, Chemtob S. Developmental regulation of prostaglandin E2 synthase in porcine ductus arteriosus. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2004. PMID: 14715488
Keller RL, Clyman RI. Persistent Doppler flow predicts lack of response to multiple courses of indomethacin in premature infants with recurrent patent ductus arteriosus. Pediatrics 2003. PMID: 12949288
Goldbarg S, Quinn T, Waleh N, Roman C, Liu BM, Mauray F, Clyman RI. Effects of hypoxia, hypoglycemia, and muscle shortening on cell death in the sheep ductus arteriosus. Pediatric research 2003. PMID: 12736384
Quinn D, Cooper B, Clyman RI. Factors associated with permanent closure of the ductus arteriosus: a role for prolonged indomethacin therapy. Pediatrics 2002. PMID: 12093991
Kajino H, Goldbarg S, Roman C, Liu BM, Mauray F, Chen YQ, Takahashi Y, Koch CJ, Clyman RI. Vasa vasorum hypoperfusion is responsible for medial hypoxia and anatomic remodeling in the newborn lamb ductus arteriosus. Pediatric research 2002. PMID: 11809919
Goldbarg SH, Takahashi Y, Cruz C, Kajino H, Roman C, Liu BM, Chen YQ, Mauray F, Clyman RI. In utero indomethacin alters O2 delivery to the fetal ductus arteriosus: implications for postnatal patency. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2002. PMID: 11742837
Kajino H, Roman C, Clyman RI. Renal effects of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition in fetal lambs. Biology of the neonate 2002. PMID: 12381934
Clyman RI, Seidner SR, Kajino H, Roman C, Koch CJ, Ferrara N, Waleh N, Mauray F, Chen YQ, Perkett EA, Quinn T. VEGF regulates remodeling during permanent anatomic closure of the ductus arteriosus. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2002. PMID: 11742839
Wright DH, Abran D, Bhattacharya M, Hou X, Bernier SG, Bouayad A, Fouron JC, Vazquez-Tello A, Beauchamp MH, Clyman RI, Peri K, Varma DR, Chemtob S. Prostanoid receptors: ontogeny and implications in vascular physiology. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2001. PMID: 11641101
Seidner SR, Chen YQ, Oprysko PR, Mauray F, Tse MM, Lin E, Koch C, Clyman RI. Combined prostaglandin and nitric oxide inhibition produces anatomic remodeling and closure of the ductus arteriosus in the premature newborn baboon. Pediatric research 2001. PMID: 11518824
Kajino H, Chen YQ, Seidner SR, Waleh N, Mauray F, Roman C, Chemtob S, Koch CJ, Clyman RI. Factors that increase the contractile tone of the ductus arteriosus also regulate its anatomic remodeling. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2001. PMID: 11404305
Bouayad A, Kajino H, Waleh N, Fouron JC, Andelfinger G, Varma DR, Skoll A, Vazquez A, Gobeil F, Clyman RI, Chemtob S. Characterization of PGE2 receptors in fetal and newborn lamb ductus arteriosus. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2001. PMID: 11299240
Clyman RI, Chen YQ, Chemtob S, Mauray F, Kohl T, Varma DR, Roman C. In utero remodeling of the fetal lamb ductus arteriosus: the role of antenatal indomethacin and avascular zone thickness on vasa vasorum proliferation, neointima formation, and cell death. Circulation 2001. PMID: 11282914
Bouayad A, Bernier SG, Asselin P, Hardy P, Bhattacharya M, Quiniou C, Fouron JC, Guerguerian AM, Varma DR, Clyman RI, Chemtob S. Characterization of PGE2 receptors in fetal and newborn ductus arteriosus in the pig. Seminars in perinatology 2001. PMID: 11339668
Clyman RI. Ibuprofen and patent ductus arteriosus. The New England journal of medicine 2000. PMID: 10974138
Kajino H, Chen YQ, Chemtob S, Waleh N, Koch CJ, Clyman RI. Tissue hypoxia inhibits prostaglandin and nitric oxide production and prevents ductus arteriosus reopening. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2000. PMID: 10896892
Takahashi Y, Roman C, Chemtob S, Tse MM, Lin E, Heymann MA, Clyman RI. Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors constrict the fetal lamb ductus arteriosus both in vitro and in vivo. American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology 2000. PMID: 10848516
Scheidt PC, Brenner RA, Rossi MW, Clyman R, Boyle KE. Parental attitudes regarding interviews about injuries to their children. Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention 2000. PMID: 10728543
Narayanan M, Cooper B, Weiss H, Clyman RI. Prophylactic indomethacin: factors determining permanent ductus arteriosus closure. The Journal of pediatrics 2000. PMID: 10700689
Bhattacharya M, Asselin P, Hardy P, Guerguerian AM, Shichi H, Hou X, Varma DR, Bouayad A, Fouron JC, Clyman RI, Chemtob S. Developmental changes in prostaglandin E(2) receptor subtypes in porcine ductus arteriosus. Possible contribution in altered responsiveness to prostaglandin E(2). Circulation 1999. PMID: 10525496
Narayanan M, Schlueter M, Clyman RI. Incidence and outcome of a 10-fold indomethacin overdose in premature infants. The Journal of pediatrics 1999. PMID: 10393614
Clyman RI, Hardy P, Waleh N, Chen YQ, Mauray F, Fouron JC, Chemtob S. Cyclooxygenase-2 plays a significant role in regulating the tone of the fetal lamb ductus arteriosus. The American journal of physiology 1999. PMID: 10070155
Clyman RI, Chan CY, Mauray F, Chen YQ, Cox W, Seidner SR, Lord EM, Weiss H, Waleh N, Evans SM, Koch CJ. Permanent anatomic closure of the ductus arteriosus in newborn baboons: the roles of postnatal constriction, hypoxia, and gestation. Pediatric research 1999. PMID: 9890604
Guerguerian AM, Hardy P, Bhattacharya M, Olley P, Clyman RI, Fouron JC, Chemtob S. Expression of cyclooxygenases in ductus arteriosus of fetal and newborn pigs. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 1998. PMID: 9855607
Fineman JR, Takahashi Y, Roman C, Clyman RI. Endothelin-receptor blockade does not alter closure of the ductus arteriosus. The American journal of physiology 1998. PMID: 9815069
Clyman RI, Waleh N, Black SM, Riemer RK, Mauray F, Chen YQ. Regulation of ductus arteriosus patency by nitric oxide in fetal lambs: the role of gestation, oxygen tension, and vasa vasorum. Pediatric research 1998. PMID: 9585010
Piecuch RE, Leonard CH, Clyman RI, Cooper BA. Risk factors associated with infant death among very low birth weight infants after discharge from an intensive care nursery. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP 1998. PMID: 9584936
Koch CJ, Lord EM, Shapiro IM, Clyman RI, Evans SM. Imaging hypoxia and blood flow in normal tissues. Advances in experimental medicine and biology 1997. PMID: 9500103
Clyman RI, Goetzman BW, Chen YQ, Mauray F, Kramer RH, Pytela R, Schnapp LM. Changes in endothelial cell and smooth muscle cell integrin expression during closure of the ductus arteriosus: an immunohistochemical comparison of the fetal, preterm newborn, and full-term newborn rhesus monkey ductus. Pediatric research 1996. PMID: 8827767
Clyman RI. Recommendations for the postnatal use of indomethacin: an analysis of four separate treatment strategies. The Journal of pediatrics 1996. PMID: 8627430
Tannenbaum JE, Waleh NS, Mauray F, Gold L, Perkett EA, Clyman RI. Transforming growth factor-beta protein and messenger RNA expression is increased in the closing ductus arteriosus. Pediatric research 1996. PMID: 8929862
Weiss H, Cooper B, Brook M, Schlueter M, Clyman R. Factors determining reopening of the ductus arteriosus after successful clinical closure with indomethacin. The Journal of pediatrics 1995. PMID: 7658282
Tannenbaum JE, Waleh NS, Mauray F, Breuss J, Pytela R, Kramer RH, Clyman RI. Transforming growth factor beta 1 inhibits fetal lamb ductus arteriosus smooth muscle cell migration. Pediatric research 1995. PMID: 7603772
Merrill JD, Clyman RI, Norton ME. Indomethacin as a tocolytic agent: the controversy continues. The Journal of pediatrics 1994. PMID: 8176560
Clyman RI, Tannenbaum J, Chen YQ, Cooper D, Yurchenco PD, Kramer RH, Waleh NS. Ductus arteriosus smooth muscle cell migration on collagen: dependence on laminin and its receptors. Journal of cell science 1994. PMID: 8056826
Clyman RI, Peters KG, Chen YQ, Escobedo J, Williams LT, Ives HE, Wilson E. Phospholipase C gamma activation, phosphotidylinositol hydrolysis, and calcium mobilization are not required for FGF receptor-mediated chemotaxis. Cell adhesion and communication 1994. PMID: 8081884
Norton ME, Merrill J, Cooper BA, Kuller JA, Clyman RI. Neonatal complications after the administration of indomethacin for preterm labor. The New England journal of medicine 1993. PMID: 8232428
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Kramer RH. Beta 1 and beta 3 integrins have different roles in the adhesion and migration of vascular smooth muscle cells on extracellular matrix. Experimental cell research 1992. PMID: 1374036
Alpan G, Scheerer R, Bland R, Clyman R. Patent ductus arteriosus increases lung fluid filtration in preterm lambs. Pediatric research 1991. PMID: 1805159
Meyers RL, Alpan G, Lin E, Clyman RI. Patent ductus arteriosus, indomethacin, and intestinal distension: effects on intestinal blood flow and oxygen consumption. Pediatric research 1991. PMID: 1866213
Cheng YF, Clyman RI, Enenstein J, Waleh N, Pytela R, Kramer RH. The integrin complex alpha v beta 3 participates in the adhesion of microvascular endothelial cells to fibronectin. Experimental cell research 1991. PMID: 1707824
Clyman RI. Persistent patent ductus arteriosus. International journal of technology assessment in health care 1991. PMID: 2037442
Alpan G, Mauray F, Clyman RI. The effects of the patent ductus arteriosus on diaphragmatic blood flow and function. Pediatric research 1990. PMID: 2255565
Kramer RH, Cheng YF, Clyman R. Human microvascular endothelial cells use beta 1 and beta 3 integrin receptor complexes to attach to laminin. The Journal of cell biology 1990. PMID: 1697296
Clyman RI, McDonald KA, Kramer RH. Integrin receptors on aortic smooth muscle cells mediate adhesion to fibronectin, laminin, and collagen. Circulation research 1990. PMID: 1694736
Clyman RI, Turner DC, Kramer RH. An alpha 1/beta 1-like integrin receptor on rat aortic smooth muscle cells mediates adhesion to laminin and collagen types I and IV. Arteriosclerosis (Dallas, Tex.) 1990. PMID: 2160805
Leonard CH, Clyman RI, Piecuch RE, Juster RP, Ballard RA, Behle MB. Effect of medical and social risk factors on outcome of prematurity and very low birth weight. The Journal of pediatrics 1990. PMID: 2319409
Alpan G, Clyman RI. The effect of methylprednisolone on hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in the newborn late-gestation lamb. Pediatric research 1990. PMID: 2314941
Alpan G, Mauray F, Clyman RI. Effect of patent ductus arteriosus on water accumulation and protein permeability in the lungs of mechanically ventilated premature lambs. Pediatric research 1989. PMID: 2602036
Frantz E, Soifer SJ, Clyman RI, Heymann MA. Bradykinin produces pulmonary vasodilation in fetal lambs: role of prostaglandin production. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 1989. PMID: 2507510
Wallen LD, Murai DT, Clyman RI, Lee CH, Mauray FE, Ballard PL, Kitterman JA. Meclofenamate does not affect lung development in fetal sheep. Journal of developmental physiology 1989. PMID: 2621337
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Heymann MA, Roman C. Influence of increased pulmonary vascular pressures on the closure of the ductus arteriosus in newborn lambs. Pediatric research 1989. PMID: 2919127
Guerra FA, Savich RD, Clyman RI, Kitterman JA. Meclofenamate increases ventilation in lambs. Journal of developmental physiology 1989. PMID: 2507622
Clyman RI, Saugstad OD, Mauray F. Reactive oxygen metabolites relax the lamb ductus arteriosus by stimulating prostaglandin production. Circulation research 1989. PMID: 2909293
Soifer SJ, Clyman RI, Heymann MA. Effects of prostaglandin D2 on pulmonary arterial pressure and oxygenation in newborn infants with persistent pulmonary hypertension. The Journal of pediatrics 1988. PMID: 3162978
Guerra FA, Savich RD, Wallen LD, Lee CH, Clyman RI, Mauray FE, Kitterman JA. Prostaglandin E2 causes hypoventilation and apnea in newborn lambs. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 1988. PMID: 3164715
Heymann MA, LeBidois J, Soifer SJ, Clyman RI. Leukotriene synthesis inhibition increases pulmonary blood flow in fetal lambs. Chest 1988. PMID: 3125017
Clyman RI, Teitel D, Padbury J, Roman C, Mauray F. The role of beta-adrenoreceptor stimulation and contractile state in the preterm lamb's response to altered ductus arteriosus patency. Pediatric research 1988. PMID: 2832817
Wallen LD, Murai DT, Clyman RI, Lee CH, Mauray FE, Kitterman JA. Effects of meclofenamate on breathing movements in fetal sheep before delivery. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 1988. PMID: 3163687
Gleason CA, Clyman RI, Heymann MA, Mauray F, Leake R, Roman C. Indomethacin and patent ductus arteriosus: effects on renal function in preterm lambs. The American journal of physiology 1988. PMID: 3276219
Teague WG, Raj JU, Braun D, Berner ME, Clyman RI, Bland RD. Lung vascular effects of lipid infusion in awake lambs. Pediatric research 1987. PMID: 3431956
Pérez Fontán JJ, Clyman RI, Mauray F, Heymann MA, Roman C. Respiratory effects of a patent ductus arteriosus in premature newborn lambs. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 1987. PMID: 3436866
Clyman RI, Roman C, Heymann MA, Mauray F. How a patent ductus arteriosus effects the premature lamb's ability to handle additional volume loads. Pediatric research 1987. PMID: 3684380
Clyman RI, Campbell D. Indomethacin therapy for patent ductus arteriosus: when is prophylaxis not prophylactic? The Journal of pediatrics 1987. PMID: 3668740
Durand DJ, Goodman A, Ray P, Ballard RA, Clyman RI. Theophylline treatment in the extubation of infants weighing less than 1,250 grams: a controlled trial. Pediatrics 1987. PMID: 3313257
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Heymann MA, Roman C. Cardiovascular effects of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm lambs with respiratory distress. The Journal of pediatrics 1987. PMID: 3655990
Lebidois J, Soifer SJ, Clyman RI, Heymann MA. Piriprost: a putative leukotriene synthesis inhibitor increases pulmonary blood flow in fetal lambs. Pediatric research 1987. PMID: 3309861
Norcia AM, Tyler CW, Piecuch R, Clyman R, Grobstein J. Visual acuity development in normal and abnormal preterm human infants. Journal of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus 1987. PMID: 3585654
Clyman RI. Ductus arteriosus: current theories of prenatal and postnatal regulation. Seminars in perinatology 1987. PMID: 3551085
Murai DT, Wallen LD, Lee CC, Clyman RI, Mauray F, Kitterman JA. Effects of prostaglandins on fetal breathing do not involve peripheral chemoreceptors. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 1987. PMID: 3470282
Wallen LD, Murai DT, Clyman RI, Lee CH, Mauray FE, Kitterman JA. Regulation of breathing movements in fetal sheep by prostaglandin E2. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985) 1986. PMID: 3081478
Clozel M, Clyman RI, Soifer SJ, Heymann MA. Thromboxane is not responsible for the high pulmonary vascular resistance in fetal lambs. Pediatric research 1985. PMID: 4080442
Durand DJ, Clyman RI, Heymann MA, Clements JA, Mauray F, Kitterman J, Ballard P. Effects of a protein-free, synthetic surfactant on survival and pulmonary function in preterm lambs. The Journal of pediatrics 1985. PMID: 3840530
Maher P, Lane B, Ballard R, Piecuch R, Clyman RI. Does indomethacin cause extension of intracranial hemorrhages: a preliminary study. Pediatrics 1985. PMID: 3883305
Clyman RI, Campbell D, Heymann MA, Mauray F. Persistent responsiveness of the neonatal ductus arteriosus in immature lambs: a possible cause for reopening of patent ductus arteriosus after indomethacin-induced closure. Circulation 1985. PMID: 3855253
Murai DT, Clyman RI, Mauray FE, Lee CC, Kitterman JA. Meclofenamate and prostaglandin E2 affect breathing movements independently of glucose concentrations in fetal sheep. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 1984. PMID: 6594049
Mahony L, Clyman RI, Heymann MA. Decreased contractility of the ductus arteriosus in experimental pulmonic stenosis. Circulation 1984. PMID: 6592055
Clyman R. The role of the patent ductus arteriosus in respiratory distress syndrome. Seminars in perinatology 1984. PMID: 6387925
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Roman C, Heymann MA, Payne B. Factors determining the loss of ductus arteriosus responsiveness to prostaglandin E. Circulation 1983. PMID: 6861319
Piecuch RE, Roth RS, Clyman RI, Sniderman SH, Riedel PA, Ballard RA. Videophone use improves maternal interest in transported infants. Critical care medicine 1983. PMID: 6872554
Karsdon J, Clyman RI. A comparison of continuous wave Doppler ultrasonography with microsphere measured left-to-right shunt through the patent ductus arteriosus. Critical care medicine 1983. PMID: 6861505
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Roman C, Heymann MA, Payne B. Effect of gestational age on ductus arteriosus response to circulating prostaglandin E2. The Journal of pediatrics 1983. PMID: 6854456
Clyman RI, Heymann MA, Mauray F. Role of circulating prostaglandin E2 in regulation of the ductus arteriosus. Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane, and leukotriene research 1983. PMID: 6221637
Mahony L, Heymann MA, Carnero V, Brett C, Clyman RI. When to treat the patent ductus arteriosus with indomethacin in very-low-birth-weight infants. Advances in prostaglandin, thromboxane, and leukotriene research 1983. PMID: 6221636
Heymann MA, Clyman RI. Evaluation of alprostadil (prostaglandin E1) in the management of congenital heart disease in infancy. Pharmacotherapy 1982. PMID: 6763200
Mahony L, Carnero V, Brett C, Heymann MA, Clyman RI. Prophylactic indomethacin therapy for patent ductus arteriosus in very-low-birth-weight infants. The New England journal of medicine 1982. PMID: 7035955
Ballard PL, Kitterman JA, Bland RD, Clyman RI, Gluckman PD, Platzker AC, Kaplan SL, Grumbach MM. Ontogeny and regulation of corticosteroid binding globulin capacity in plasma of fetal and newborn lambs. Endocrinology 1982. PMID: 7056203
Clyman RI, Jobe A, Heymann M, Ikegami M, Roman C, Payne B, Mauray F. Increased shunt through the patent ductus arteriosus after surfactant replacement therapy. The Journal of pediatrics 1982. PMID: 6948942
Brett C, Dekle M, Leonard CH, Clark C, Sniderman S, Roth R, Ballard R, Clyman R. Developmental follow-up of hyperventilated neonates: preliminary observations. Pediatrics 1981. PMID: 7322695
Clark CE, Clyman RI, Roth RS, Sniderman SH, Lane B, Ballard RA. Risk factor analysis of intraventricular hemorrhage in low-birth-weight infants. The Journal of pediatrics 1981. PMID: 7277108
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Roman C, Heymann MA, Ballard PL, Rudolph AM, Payne B. Effects of antenatal glucocorticoid administration on ductus arteriosus of preterm lambs. The American journal of physiology 1981. PMID: 6945055
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Heymann MA, Roman C. Effect of gestational age on pulmonary metabolism of prostaglandin E1 & E2. Prostaglandins 1981. PMID: 7232770
Clyman RI, Heymann MA. Pharmacology of the ductus arteriosus. Pediatric clinics of North America 1981. PMID: 7193843
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Roman C, Rudolph AM, Heymann MA. Glucocorticoids alter the sensitivity of the lamb ductus arteriosus to prostaglandin E2. The Journal of pediatrics 1981. PMID: 7452389
Clyman RI, Ballard PL, Sniderman S, Ballard RA, Roth R, Heymann MA, Granberg JP. Prenatal administration of betamethasone for prevention of patient ductus arteriosus. The Journal of pediatrics 1981. PMID: 7452388
Clyman RI, Brett C, Mauray F. Circulating prostaglandin E2 concentrations and incidence of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome. Pediatrics 1980. PMID: 7432878
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Roman C, Rudolph AM, Heymann MA. Circulating prostaglandin E2 concentrations and patent ductus arteriosus in fetal and neonatal lambs. The Journal of pediatrics 1980. PMID: 6902770
Miller C, Clyman RI, Roth RS, Sniderman SH, Ballard RA, Henning D, Riedel P, Rosen A, Burden L. Control of oxygenation during the transport of sick neonates. Pediatrics 1980. PMID: 7402772
Clyman RI, Roth RS, Sniderman SH, Charrier J. Does a belief in a 'just world' affect health care providers' reactions to perinatal illness? Journal of medical education 1980. PMID: 7381907
Clyman RI, Green C, Rowe J, Mikkelsen C, Ataide L. Issues concerning parents after the death of their newborn. Critical care medicine 1980. PMID: 7357875
Clyman RI. Ontogeny of the ductus arteriosus response to prostaglandins and inhibitors of their synthesis. Seminars in perinatology 1980. PMID: 6990502
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Demers LM, Rudolph AM, Roman C. Does oxygen regulate prostaglandin-induced relaxation in the lamb ductus arteriosus? Prostaglandins 1980. PMID: 7384554
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Rudolph AM, Heymann MA. Age-dependent sensitivity of the lamb ductus arteriosus to indomethacin and prostaglandins. The Journal of pediatrics 1980. PMID: 6985662
Clyman RI. Ductus arteriosus: developmental response to endogenous prostaglandins, oxygen, and indomethacin. Advances in prostaglandin and thromboxane research 1980. PMID: 6989208
Leonard CH, Irwin N, Ballard RA, Ferris C, Clyman R. Preliminary observations on the behavior of children present at the birth of a sibling. Pediatrics 1979. PMID: 514723
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Demers LM, Rudolph AM, Roman C. Developmental response to indomethacin: a comparison of isometric tension with PGE2 formation in the lamb ductus arteriosus. Prostaglandins 1979. PMID: 542609
Clyman RI, Green C, Mikkelsen C, Rowe J, Ataide L. Do parents utilize physician follow-up after death of their newborn? Pediatrics 1979. PMID: 492842
Clyman RI, Sniderman SH, Ballard RA, Roth RS. What pediatricians say to mothers of sick newborns: an indirect evaluation of the counseling process. Pediatrics 1979. PMID: 440892
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Koerper MA, Wiemer F, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM. Formation of prostacyclin (PGI2) by the ductus arteriosus of fetal lambs at different stages of gestation. Prostaglandins 1978. PMID: 364551
Clyman RI. Developmental responses to oxygen, arachidonic acid, and indomethacin in the fetal lamb ductus arteriosus in vitro. Prostaglandins and medicine 1978. PMID: 715056
Rowe J, Clyman R, Green C, Mikkelsen C, Haight J, Ataide L. Follow-up families who experience a perinatal death. Pediatrics 1978. PMID: 693155
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Roman C, Rudolph AM. PGE2 is a more potent vasodilator of the lamb ductus arteriosus than is either PGI2 or 6 keto PGF1alpha. Prostaglandins 1978. PMID: 360304
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM. Ductus arteriosus: developmental response to oxygen and indomethacin. Prostaglandins 1978. PMID: 693921
Gallin JI, Sandler JA, Clyman RI, Manganiello VC, Vaughan M. Agents that increase cyclic AMP inhibit accumulation of cGMP and depress human monocyte locomotion. Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950) 1978. PMID: 202654
Clyman RI, Rudolph AM. Patent ductus arteriosus: a new light on an old problem. Pediatric research 1978. PMID: 643384
Clyman RI, Wong L, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM. Responsiveness of the lamb ductus arteriosus to prostaglandins and their metabolites. Prostaglandins 1978. PMID: 635223
Clyman RI. Regulation of Cyclic nucleotide metabolism in the human umbilical artery. Advances in prostaglandin and thromboxane research 1978. PMID: 206120
Clyman RI, Mauray F, Wong L, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM. The developmental response of the ductus arteriosus to oxygen. Biology of the neonate 1978. PMID: 737239
Clyman RI, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM. Oxygen tension and the response of the ductus arteriosus to PGE: searching high and low for a solution. Prostaglandins 1977. PMID: 905582
Clyman RI, Heymann MA, Rudolph AM. Ductus arteriosus responses to prostaglandin E1 at high and low oxygen concentrations. Prostaglandins 1977. PMID: 847229
Clyman RI, Manganiello VC, Vaughan M. Oxygen: influence on cyclic nucleotides and calcium sequestration in the human umbilical artery. Chest 1977. PMID: 188602
Clyman RI, Manganiello VC, Lovell-Smith CJ, Vaughan M. Calcium uptake by subcellular fractions of human umbilical artery. The American journal of physiology 1976. PMID: 10737
Clyman RI, Blacksin AS, Manganiello VC, Vaughan M. Oxygen and cyclic nucleotides in human umbilical artery. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1975. PMID: 172888
Clyman RI, Blacksin AS, Sandler JA, Manganiello VC, Vaughan M. The role of calcium in regulation of cyclic nucleotide content in human umbilical artery. The Journal of biological chemistry 1975. PMID: 167003
Clyman RI, Sandler JA, Manganiello VC, Vaughan M. Guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate and adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate content of human umbilical artery. The Journal of clinical investigation 1975. PMID: 235566
Sandler JA, Clyman RI, Manganiello VC, Vaughan M. The effect of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) and derivatives on guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate in human monocytes. The Journal of clinical investigation 1975. PMID: 165223
Wallace H, Clyman RI, Pierro LP. Nucleic acid deficiency in the prothanic homozygous mutant of creeper fowl. The Journal of experimental zoology 1969. PMID: 5372813