Roles and Responsibilities
The SOC Director
The SOC director oversees the career development program of the Pediatric fellows throughout their fellowship. This includes participating and planning of all Fellows’ College events and the Department’s annual Pediatrics Research Day. The SOC director leads the Fellows College Advisory Group by developing, piloting and implementing action plans to ensure leadership support for initiatives for fellow’s development. As per ABP guidelines, each fellow must have an Individual Development Plan (IDP) administered by the Scholarship Oversight Committee (SOC) that is chaired by the SOC director. SOC members are to review each fellow’s IDP submission every year of fellowship and the SOC director oversees this process to ensure its completion. Additionally, the SOC Director conducts a face-to-face meeting with each fellow and their SOC members in Year 1, IDPs are to be reviewed by SOC Director prior to in-person meetings to facilitate feedback and discussion. The SOC director oversees research tracks for all Pediatric fellows throughout the course of fellowship through mentorship and ultimately attending fellows’ oral presentations in their last year of training. The SOC director is responsible for recognizing if a fellow is not meeting scholarship goals and will implement a plan with the program director to get the fellow on track.
SOC Director: Farzana Perwad, MD
Responsibilities of the Training Program Director
In addition to meeting the requirements of the ACGME related to the six general competencies, the responsibilities of the training program director shall include the creation of a core curriculum in scholarly activities, the identification mentors, the creation of the Scholarship Oversight Committee responsible for overseeing and assessing the progress of each trainee, and the verification to the ABP of the successful completion of training.
ABP Charge to Local SOC Committees
The SOC serves as the review committee that provides the structure for a formal annual review for each fellow of their progress their years of fellowship.
The SOC specifically:
- Determines if fellow's proposed scholarly work product activity meets ABP guidelines
- Outlines additional preparation beyond the core fellowship curriculum to ensure successful completion of the project
- Evaluates fellow's progress related to scholarly work product activity during training period
- Meets with fellow early and regularly throughout training (refer to current calendar of events)
- Advises the program director and fellow on the fellow's progress (annual summary reviews, etc.)
- Certifies that fellow has satisfactorily met the ABP guidelines for scholarly work product activity, a pre-requisite to become eligible to fit for subspecialty boards
Scholarship Oversight Committee Annual Responsibilities
Go to BOX to leave feedback on yearly IDP’s for fellows