What is FLAG?
FLAG Leadership and Mentorship Awards
The Fellows' Leadership and Advocacy Group (FLAG) was founded in 2006 by and for pediatric subspecialty fellows at the University of California, San Francisco. The mission of FLAG is to enhance the educational experience and well-being of pediatric fellows at UCSF Children's Hospital. We represent the interests of all pediatric fellows and strive to identify common areas of need or concern that affect fellows during their training experiences at UCSF.
FLAG is a fellow-led committee guided by a committee chair and vice-chair and composed of fellow representatives from each pediatric subspecialty fellowship program in the Department of Pediatrics. FLAG meets every month and an agenda for each meeting will be distributed the week prior to the upcoming meeting. All pediatric fellos are encouraged to attend. At least one representative from each division is expected to attend these meetings. Meeting minutes will be distributed to all fellows.
Administrative support has been provided by the department to assist with meeting agendas, minutes and other organizational needs. FLAG also includes a volunteer faculty advisor, who is preferably an individual with a role in the program leadership of one of the pediatric subspecialty programs at UCSF.
Any concerns brought to the FLAG will initially be discussed at one of the monthly meetings, and after an action plan is developed, the issue will be addressed with the appropriate leadership groups and committees within the Department of Pediatircs and UCSF Medical Center. In addition, designated FLAG members will participate in key leadership committees including the GME Committee, the Residents' and Fellows' Affairs Committee, and the Residents' and Fellows' Council. The faculty advisor also attends the monthly Pediatric Program Directors meeting and serves as a liaison between the FLAG and the Pediatric Program Directors.
The primary aim of the FLAG is to enrich the fellowship experience at UCSF so that all pediatric fellows emerge from their training with the skills to become the future researchers, teachers, and clinicians who will improve the health and well-being of children. JOIN US!