Claire Brindis, DrPH

Claire Brindis, DrPH, is a Distinguished Emerita Professor of Pediatrics and Health Policy (on Recall), Department of Pediatrics and Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Health Sciences and Emerita Director of the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Dr. Brindis is also the Co-Director of the Adolescent and Young Adult Health National Resource Center( and a Founding Director of the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences and PRL-IHPS, UCSF. She serves as the lead evaluator for the Clinical and Translation Sciences Institute, as Core Faculty of the ARCHES Program (Advancing Research Careers of Historically Excluded Scholars), leading its evaluation efforts, as well as serving as Senior Advisor to the UC Center on Climate, Health and Equity. An Elected Member of the National Academy of Medicine, she served as a member (2018-2021) and the Vice-Chair (2021-2024) of its Council. She concurrently Chairs the Standing Committee on Reproductive Health, Equity. and Society for the National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in Washington, DC, comprised of experts evaluating the health, social, and economic implications of access to reproductive health care in the United States and globally ( Dr. Brindis also serves as the Chair of the Division of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Education (DBASSE) for the National Research Council/NASEM.

Incorporating a variety of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, as well as community participatory research, Dr. Brindis’ research focuses on program evaluation and the translation of research into policy at the local, state, and national level. As a bilingual, bi-cultural researcher, Dr. Brindis’ research and personal commitment focus on ameliorating the impact of social, health, and economic disparities among ethnic/racial populations, with a particular focus on women, young adults, and adolescents and reproductive health, as well as Latino/a health. For example, in the area of reproductive health, Dr. Brindis led a multidisciplinary evaluation team evaluating California’s Office of Family Planning’s Family PACT program, a Federal 1115 Medicaid waiver. Evaluation findings indicate that this program has successfully served annually nearly 1.3 million women and men, helping to avert approximately 300,000 pregnancies per year annually. For every dollar spent on the program, an estimated savings of $5.83 in medical and social costs is realized through the prevention of unintended pregnancies up to five years after birth. Previous research projects include evaluations of the state of California’s comprehensive teenage pregnancy prevention programs, the UCSF Pre-term Birth Initiative, and the effectiveness of water policies in California schools.

Throughout these and other projects, Dr. Brindis is committed to the translation of research into action, as well as pursuing strategies for closing the gap between evidence-based innovation and its application to policy and programs. As a result, within the interface of research and public policy, Dr. Brindis is often called upon to help a variety of community groups, local, state, and the federal government, and international entities in helping to translate research findings for purposes of policy planning and development of new program interventions. As a policy advisor to federal, state and local policymakers and private foundations, her research has been utilized extensively in the planning of state and federal initiatives, including the implementation of the first school-based health center in California, the development of statewide adolescent pregnancy prevention initiatives, the development of the first California strategic plan for adolescent health, as well as at the federal level, the development of essential health benefits for women’s preventive health services.

Apart from numerous peer-review journal articles, Dr. Brindis, along with the UCSF Center on Social Disparities in Health and the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, completed research and developed a film aimed at policymakers and communities, entitled, “A Question of Hope: Reducing Latina Teen Childbearing in California” (;) Spanish version: In addition, she has also co-authored a monograph on implementing the Healthy People 2010 Adolescent Health Objectives, with the CDC and the Federal Bureau of Maternal and Child Health, “Improving Adolescent Health: A Guidebook for States and Communities” ( and co-authored a report “Creating a Health Research and Policy Agenda for Im/migration Between Mexico and California” Dr. Brindis co-authored “Advocacy and Policy Change Evaluation: Theory and Practice" (Stanford Press, 2017).

Dr. Brindis is past chair of the Population, Family Planning and Reproductive Health Section of the American Public Health Association (2003-2004) and President of the Board of Directors for Advocates for Youth, Washington D.C. (2003-2005). Dr. Brindis has served on many expert panels, including the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee on Pediatric Health and Health Care Quality Measures, the Committee on Preventive Services for Women, the Committee on the Health and Well-Being of Young Adults, and the Committee on Neurobiological and Social-Behavioral Research on Adolescent Health. At UCSF, she is past chair of the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women. She is the recipient of numerous state and national awards, including the California Department of Health Services with the 2000 Beverlee A. Myers Award for Excellence in Public Health, the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, Washington, DC, with the annual 2001 John C. MacQueen Lecture Award, the 2005 Federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau Director's Award: “In recognition of Contributions Made to the Health of Infants, Mothers, Children, Adolescents & Children with Special Needs”, the UCSF’s Chancellor’s Award for the Advancement of Women in 2009, election to the IOM (now National Academy of Medicine) in 2010 and elected to the NAM Council in 2019, the selection in 2012 as Alumni Hall of Fame awardee from the UCLA School of Public Health, the 2014 Carl Schultz Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Public Health Association, UCSF’s Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award in 2016, and in 2019, selected as one of the UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health’s most influential alumni on the occasion of its 75th Anniversary of its establishment and the Holly Smith Award for Exceptional Service to the UCSF School of Medicine. In 2021, she received the 2020 Pioneer Award from the National School-Based Assembly and the 2020 APHA Martha May Eliot Award in Maternal and Child Health, followed by 2021Title V Lifetime Achievement Award from the Federal Bureau of Maternal and Child Health.
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2021 - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California, San Francisco
Dr.PH, 1982 - Public Health/Behavioral Sciences, University of California, Berkeley
M.P.H., 1973 - Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles
B.A., 1972 - Sociology, Cum Laude, University of California, Los Angeles
Honors and Awards
  • Maternal, Child, and Adolescent Lifetime Achievement Award, UC Berkeley, 2024
  • Edward A.Dickson Emerita Professor Award, UCSF, 2022-2024
  • 2020 Title V Lifetime Achievement Award, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, 2021
  • Martha May Eliot Award in Maternal and Child Health, APHA, 2020
  • Pioneer Award, School-Based Alliance, 2020
  • 75th Anniversary Honoree “In Recognition of 75 Most Influential Public Health Alumni”, UC Berkeley School of Public Health, 2018
  • Lifetime Achievement in Mentoring Award, UCSF Faculty Mentoring Program, 2016
  • Carl S. Shultz Award for Lifetime Achievement, American Public Health Association: Population, Reproductive, and Sexual Health Section, 2014
  • Alumni Hall of Fame: Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Public Health, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health, 2012
  • Institute of Medicine of the National Academies (IOM) member, Elected Member, 2011
  • Telly Award, Bronze Award, Telly Award for Film, 'A Question of Hope', Social Issues Category, 2009
  • Chancellors Award for the Advancement of Women, 'In Recognition of Outstanding Contributions to the, University of California, San Francisco, 2009
  • Champion Award for vision and commitment in creating and sustaining the California Office of Family, California Family Health Council, Inc, 2006
  • Award for service on No on 85 Campaign 'Above and Beyond', Campaign for Teen Safety, 2006
  • Outstanding Researcher Award in honor of the dedication and leadership in the field of adolescent pr, Healthy Teen Network, 2006
  • Hilary E.C. Millar Award for Innovative Approaches to Adolescent Health Care, Society for Adolescent Medicine, 2006
  • Special Election Award, Campaign for Teen Safety, 2005
  • Directors Award: In Recognition of Contributions Made to the Health of Infants, Mothers, Children, A, Federal Maternal & Child Health Bureau, 2005
  • Commendation by Lieutenant Governor Cruz M. Bustamante Honoring Outstanding Research on Adolescent a, State of California, 2005
  • Morris Blum Memorial Lecture, Pediatric Grand Rounds, University of Minnesota, 2005
  • Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women, Fellow-Hedwig van Ameringen, 2004
  • Champions of Diversity, University of California, San Francisco, 2003
  • John C. MacQueen Lecture Award, Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, 2001
  • Collaborative Award Winner, Special Recognition Award, Maternal and Child Health Branch, California Department of Health Services, 2001
  • Women Faculty Recognition Award, University of California, San Francisco, 2001
  • Mark Pearlman Outstanding Service Award, California Child, Youth and Family Coalition, 2000
  • Beverlee A. Meyer Award in Excellence, California Department of Health Services, 2000
  • Distinguished Service to the Public and the State of California, California State Senate Resolution, State of California, 2000
  • Integrity Award, Office of Inspector General, Office of Evaluation and Inspections, U.S. Department of Health, Human, 1994
  • Community Leadership Award, National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, Washington, D.C., 1991
  • Special Recognition Award, California Alliance Concerned with School Age Parents, 1988
  1. Romina Barral, Melissa Miller, Mariana Ramirez, Maggie Lopez, Claire Brindis, Elizabeth Miller, Emily Cramer, Megha Ramaswamy. Development and Pilot Feasibility Trial of a Co-Developed Teen Pregnancy Prevention Community Program in a Midwest Rural Latino Community. Journal of Adolescent Health 2025. PMID:

  2. Johnson PA, Brindis CD, Donelan K, Goodwin M, Harris L, Kozhimannil KB, Rosenbaum S, Weitz TA. New Directions For Women's Health: Expanding Understanding, Improving Research, Addressing Workforce Limitations. Health affairs (Project Hope) 2025. PMID: 39841941

  3. Jason M. Nagata JM, Memon Z, Talebloo J, Li K, Low P, Shao I, Ganson K, Testa A, He J, Brindis CD, & Baker F.. Prevalence and Patterns of Social Media Use in Social Media Use in Early Adolescents Academic pediatrics 2025. PMID:

  4. Nagata JM, Memon Z, Talebloo J, Karen Li MPH, Low P, Shao IY, Ganson KT, Testa A, He J, Brindis CD, Baker FC. Prevalence and Patterns of Social Media Use in Early Adolescents. Academic pediatrics 2025. PMID: 39800219

  5. Nagata JM, Diep T, Helmer CK, Domingue SK, Al-Shoaibi AA, Raney JH, Ganson KT, Testa A, He J, Brindis CD, Baker FC. Sexual orientation discrimination and eating disorder symptoms in early adolescence: a prospective cohort study. Journal of eating disorders 2024. PMID: 39614397

  6. Nagata JM, Shim J, Low P, Ganson KT, Testa A, He J, Santos GM, Brindis CD, Baker FC, Shao IY. Prospective association between screen use modalities and substance use experimentation in early adolescents. Drug and alcohol dependence 2024. PMID: 39612721

  7. Pedroza-Tobias A, Cradock AL, Blacker L, Ritchie LD, Schmidt LA, McCulloch C, Salomon JA, Brindis CD, Cabana MD, Patel AI. "Water First" School Water Promotion and Access Intervention: A Cost Analysis Study. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 2024. PMID: 39515643

  8. Shira P. Rutman, Jamie Loey, Martha J. Decker, Natalie S. de Guzman, Jason Spitzer, Claire D. Brindis. Experiences of Dating Violence and Protective Factors Among Adolescents in Vulnerable Contexts. Journal of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma 2024. PMID:

  9. Raney JH, Weinstein S, Testa A, Ganson KT, Memon Z, Glidden DV, Baker FC, Brindis CD, Nagata JM. Sexual identity is associated with adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in US early adolescents. Academic pediatrics 2024. PMID: 39134208

  10. Fieldhouse J, Nakiire L, Kayiwa J, Brindis CD, Mitchell A, Makumbi I, Ario AR, Fair E, Mazet JAK, Lamorde M. How feasible or useful are timeliness metrics as a tool to optimise One Health outbreak responses? BMJ global health 2024. PMID: 38991578

  11. Brindis CD, Laitner MH, Clayton EW, Scrimshaw SC, Grosz BJ, Simpson LA, Rosenbaum S, Brierley CL, Simon MA, Roubideaux Y, Calonge BN, Johnson PA, DeStefano L, Bear A, Arora KS, Dzau VJ. Health-care workforce implications of the Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization decision. Lancet (London, England) 2024. PMID: 38795713

  12. Brindis CD, Laitner MH, Clayton EW, Scrimshaw SC, Grosz BJ, Simpson LA, Rosenbaum S, Brierley CL, Simon MA, Roubideaux Y, Calonge BN, Johnson PA, DeStefano L, Bear A, Arora KS, Dzau VJ. Societal implications of the Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization decision. Lancet (London, England) 2024. PMID: 38795714

  13. Romina L. Barral, J. Dennis Fortenberry, Astrid Guerrero Avitia, Mariana Ramirez, Abbey R. Masonbrink, Claire D. Brindis. “Sex Out of Boredom”: Key Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Teen Pregnancy Prevention in Emerging Immigrant Latino Rural Communities. Sexuality Research and Social Policy 2024. PMID:

  14. Raney JH, Weinstein S, Ganson KT, Testa A, Jackson DB, Pantell M, Glidden DV, Brindis CD, Nagata JM. Mental Well-Being Among Adversity-Exposed Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA network open 2024. PMID: 38477919

  15. Julia H. Raney, Shayna Weinstein, Kyle T. Ganson, Alexander Testa, Dylan B. Jackson, Matthew Pantell, David V. Glidden, Claire D. Brindis, Jason M. Nagata. 107. Title: In the Face of Adversity: Pandemic Mental Health Protective Factors for Adolescents Who Have Experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences. Journal of Adolescent Health 2024. PMID:

  16. Romina L. Barral, Evelynn Donis de Miranda, Mariana Ramirez, Melissa Miller, Elizabeth Miller, Megha Ramaswamy, Claire Brindis. 112. Transcreating an Unintended Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program for Latino Teens Living in Rural Communities. Journal of Adolescent Health 2024. PMID:

  17. Rutman SP, Borgen N, Spellen S, King DD, Decker MJ, Rand L, Cobbins A, Brindis CD. Addressing anti-black racism in an academic preterm birth initiative: perspectives from a mixed methods case study. BMC public health 2023. PMID: 37853363

  18. Patel AI, Schmidt LA, McCulloch CE, Blacker LS, Cabana MD, Brindis CD, Ritchie LD. Effectiveness of a School Drinking Water Promotion and Access Program for Overweight Prevention. Pediatrics 2023. PMID: 37545466

  19. Lakatos K, Teherani A, Thottathil SE, Gandhi S, Weiser SD, Brindis CD. A race to net zero-early lessons from healthcare's decarbonization marathon. Health Affairs Scholar 2023. PMID: 38770407

  20. Lakatos KO, Teherani A, Thottathil SE, Gandhi S, Weiser, SD, Brindis CD.. A race to net zero—early lessons from healthcare decarbonization marathon Health Affairs Scholar 2023. PMID:

  21. Congdon JL, Bardach NS, Franck LS, Brindis CD, John Boscardin W, Carrasco Z, Cabana MD, Dehlendorf C. Postpartum Family Planning in Pediatrics: A Survey of Parental Contraceptive Needs and Health Services Preferences. Academic pediatrics 2023. PMID: 36958531

  22. Barral RL, Brindis CD, Hornberger L, Trent M, Sherman AK, Ramirez M, Finocchario-Kessler S, Ramaswamy M. The Perfect Storm: Perceptions of Influencing Adults Regarding Latino Teen Pregnancy in Rural Communities. Maternal and child health journal 2023. PMID: 36840786

  23. M. Jane Park, Claire D. Brindis, Charles E. Irwin. Health care policy for adolescents and young adults. 2023. PMID:

  24. Rutman SP, Price M, Williams S, Jones L, Williams-Burt H, Decker MJ, Franck LS, Fuchs JD, Brindis CD. Pursuing Research Justice Through Community-Academic Partnership to Address Racial Disparities in Preterm Birth. Progress in community health partnerships : research, education, and action 2023. PMID: 37462560

  25. Decker MJ, Price M, Harrison S, Spellen S, Hutchings N, Martinez E, Rutman SP, Shaver A, Franck LS, Brindis CD, Fuchs J. Using Collective Impact to Advance Birth Equity: A Comparison of Two Cross-Sector Efforts in California. Maternal and child health journal 2022. PMID: 36348213

  26. Wesevich A, Jiao MG, Santanam TS, Chung RJ, Uchitel J, Zhang Q, Brindis CD, Ford CA, Counts NZ, Wong CA. Adolescent and Young Adult Perspectives on Quality and Value in Health Care. Academic pediatrics 2022. PMID: 36288750

  27. Maya S, Kahn JG, Lin TK, Jacobs LM, Schmidt LA, Burrough WB, Ghasemzadeh R, Mousli L, Allan M, Donovan M, Barker E, Horvath H, Spetz J, Brindis CD, Malekinejad M. Indirect COVID-19 health effects and potential mitigating interventions: Cost-effectiveness framework. PloS one 2022. PMID: 35849613

  28. Adams SH, Schaub JP, Nagata J, Park MJ, Brindis CD, Irwin CE. Young Adult Anxiety or Depressive Symptoms and Mental Health Service Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2022. PMID: 35422363

  29. Tebb KP, Dehlendorf C, Rodriguez F, Fix M, Tancredi DJ, Reed R, Brindis CD, Schwarz EB. Promoting Teen-to-Teen Contraceptive Communication with the SpeakOut Intervention, a Cluster Randomized Trial. Contraception 2021. PMID: 34520728

  30. Kathleen P.Tebb, Felicia Rodriguez, Lance M. Pollack, Sally Adams, Rosario Rico, Robert Renteria, Sang Leng Trieu, Loris Hwang, Claire D. Brindis, Elizabeth Ozer, Maryjane Puffer. Improving Contraceptive Use Among Latina Adolescents: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial Evaluating an mHealth Application, Health-E You/Salud iTu Contraception 2021. PMID:

  31. Tebb KP, Rodriguez F, Pollack LM, Adams S, Rico R, Renteria R, Trieu SL, Hwang L, Brindis CD, Ozer E, Puffer M. Improving contraceptive use among Latina adolescents: A cluster-randomized controlled trial evaluating an mHealth application, Health-E You/Salud iTu. Contraception 2021. PMID: 33744300

  32. Moreno GD, Schmidt LA, Ritchie LD, McCulloch CE, Cabana MD, Brindis CD, Green LW, Altman EA, Patel AI. A cluster-randomized controlled trial of an elementary school drinking water access and promotion intervention: Rationale, study design, and protocol. Contemporary clinical trials 2020. PMID: 33370616

  33. M. Antonia Biggs, Claire D. Brindis, Lauren Ralph, John Santelli. Chapter 5. The Sexual and Reproductive Health of Young Latino Males Living in the United States. 2020. PMID:

  34. Kathleen P. Tebb, Eleanor B. Schwarz, Felicia Rodriguez, Reiley Reed, Daniel Tancredi, Claire Brindis, Christine E. Dehlendorf. 227. Adapting to Political Barriers in Conducting Teen Pregnancy Prevention Research: Use of Social Media as an Expedited Recruitment Strategy. Journal of Adolescent Health 2020. PMID:

  35. Kathleen P. Tebb, Eleanor B. Schwartz, Felicia Rodriquez, Reiley Reed, Daniel Tancredi, Claire Brindis, Christine E. Dehlendorf. 228. Contraceptive Communication Among Adolescents Who Use Long Acting Reversible Contraception. Journal of Adolescent Health 2020. PMID:

  36. Kathleen Tebb, Felicia Rodriguez, Lance Pollack, Maryjane Puffer, Sally Adams, Loris Hwang, Rosario Rico, Robert Renteria, Elizabeth Ozer, Claire Brindis, Sang Leng Trieu. 30. Reducing Health Disparities in Unintended Pregnancies Among Latina Adolescents Using a Patient-Centered Computer-Based Clinic Intervention. Journal of Adolescent Health 2020. PMID:

  37. Onono MA, Brindis CD, White JS, Goosby E, Okoro DO, Bukusi EA, Rutherford GW. Challenges to generating political prioritization for adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Kenya: A qualitative study. PloS one 2019. PMID: 31856245

  38. Grummon AH, Cabana MD, Hecht AA, Alkon A, McCulloch CE, Brindis CD, Patel AI. Effects of a multipronged beverage intervention on young children's beverage intake and weight: a cluster-randomized pilot study. Public health nutrition 2019. PMID: 31303190

  39. Kathleen Tebb, Sang Trieu, Felicia J. Rodriguez, Lance Pollack, Sally Adams, Rosario Ricco, Robert Renteria, Loris Hwang, Elizabeth Ozer, Diana Sandoval, Claire Brindis. 75. Use Of Youth-Centered Mobile Health Application, Health-E You/Salud iTu, To Reduce Disparities In Contraceptive Knowledge, Access And Unintended Pregnancy Among Sexually Active Latina Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health 2019. PMID:

  40. Tebb KP, Pica G, Twietmeyer L, Diaz A, Brindis CD. Innovative Approaches to Address Social Determinants of Health Among Adolescents and Young Adults. Health equity 2018. PMID: 30450488

  41. Decker MJ, Isquick S, Tilley L, Zhi Q, Gutman A, Luong W, Brindis CD. Neighborhoods matter. A systematic review of neighborhood characteristics and adolescent reproductive health outcomes. Health & place 2018. PMID: 30312942

  42. Naomi A. Schapiro, Samira Soleimanpour, Claire D. Brindis. 25 Reaching Out to Youth About Trauma: Adolescent Rapid Screening Validation Pilot. Journal of Adolescent Health 2018. PMID:

  43. Adams SH, Park MJ, Twietmeyer L, Brindis CD, Irwin CE. Association Between Adolescent Preventive Care and the Role of the Affordable Care Act. JAMA pediatrics 2018. PMID: 29114725

  44. Richard M. Lerner, Claire D. Brindis, Milena Batanova, Robert Wm. Blum. Adolescent Health Development: A Relational Developmental Systems Perspective. Handbook of Life Course Health Development 2017. PMID:

  45. Brindis CD, Freund KM, Baecher-Lind L, Bairey Merz CN, Carnes M, Gulati M, Joffe H, Klein WS, Mazure CM, Pace LE, Regensteiner JG, Redberg RF, Wenger NK, Younger L. The Risk of Remaining Silent: Addressing the Current Threats to Women's Health. Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health 2017. PMID: 29150088

  46. Hecht AA, Grumbach JM, Hampton KE, Hecht K, Braff-Guajardo E, Brindis CD, McCulloch CE, Patel AI. Validation of a survey to examine drinking-water access, practices and policies in schools. Public health nutrition 2017. PMID: 28893341

  47. Horvath H, Brindis CD, Reyes EM, Yamey G, Franck L, Knowledge Transfer and Exchange (KTE) Working Group. Preterm birth: the role of knowledge transfer and exchange. Health research policy and systems 2017. PMID: 28874160

  48. Holman DM, White MC, Shoemaker ML, Massetti GM, Puckett MC, Brindis CD, Cancer Prevention During Early Adulthood Writing Group. Cancer Prevention During Early Adulthood: Highlights From a Meeting of Experts. American journal of preventive medicine 2017. PMID: 28818246

  49. Falzone AE, Brindis CD, Chren MM, Junn A, Pagoto S, Wehner M, Linos E. Teens, Tweets, and Tanning Beds: Rethinking the Use of Social Media for Skin Cancer Prevention. American journal of preventive medicine 2017. PMID: 28818251

  50. Pottie K, Hui C, Rahman P, Ingleby D, Akl EA, Russell G, Ling L, Wickramage K, Mosca D, Brindis CD. Building Responsive Health Systems to Help Communities Affected by Migration: An International Delphi Consensus. International journal of environmental research and public health 2017. PMID: 28165380

  51. Banspach S, Zaza S, Dittus P, Michael S, Brindis CD, Thorpe P. CDC Grand Rounds: Adolescence - Preparing for Lifelong Health and Wellness. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report 2016. PMID: 27491062

  52. Patel AI, Grummon AH, Hampton KE, Oliva A, McCulloch CE, Brindis CD. A Trial of the Efficacy and Cost of Water Delivery Systems in San Francisco Bay Area Middle Schools, 2013. Preventing chronic disease 2016. PMID: 27390074

  53. Decker MJ, Gutmann-Gonzalez A, Lara D, Lira J, Pérez AC, Estrada-Gutierrez E, Muñoz ER, Guzman-Huerta M, Perichart-Perera O, Pantic I, Brindis CD. Migration and Health Adolescent Pregnancy in Mexico and California: Policy and Programmatic Implications 2016. PMID:

  54. Lewis C, Deardorff J, Lahiff M, Soleimanpour S, Sakashita K, Brindis CD. High school students' experiences of bullying and victimization and the association with school health center use. The Journal of school health 2015. PMID: 25846311

  55. Elizabeth L. Uy-Smith, Hayley E. Lofink, Ryan Padrez, Tara E. Trudnak Fowler, Kevin T. Koenig, Gerry Fairbrother, Claire D. Brindis. 85. Meeting Them More Than Halfway: Adolescent Perspectives on Patient-centered Care. Journal of Adolescent Health 2015. PMID:

  56. Biggs MA, Rocca CH, Brindis CD, Hirsch H, Grossman D. Did increasing use of highly effective contraception contribute to declining abortions in Iowa? Contraception 2014. PMID: 25465890

  57. Patel AI, Hecht K, Hampton KE, Grumbach JM, Braff-Guajardo E, Brindis CD. Tapping into water: key considerations for achieving excellence in school drinking water access. American journal of public health 2014. PMID: 24832141

  58. Okumura MJ, Ong T, Dawson D, Nielson D, Lewis N, Richards M, Brindis CD, Kleinhenz ME. Improving transition from paediatric to adult cystic fibrosis care: programme implementation and evaluation. BMJ quality & safety 2014. PMID: 24415776

  59. Thiel de Bocanegra H, Cross Riedel J, Menz M, Darney PD, Brindis CD. Onsite provision of specialized contraceptive services: does Title X funding enhance access? Journal of women's health (2002) 2014. PMID: 24405313

  60. Elizabeth M. Ozer, Jazmyn T. Scott, Claire D. Brindis. Seizing the Opportunity. AM:STARs Adolescent Medicine 2013. PMID:

  61. Biggs MA, Arons A, Turner R, Brindis CD. Same-day LARC insertion attitudes and practices. Contraception 2013. PMID: 23809277

  62. Jesús L. CHIRINOS, Claire D. BRINDIS, Victor C. SALAZAR, Olga T BARDALES, Ludmila R. REÁTEGUI. Perfil de las estudiantes adolescentes sexualmente activas en colegios secundarios de Lima, Perú. Revista Medica Herediana 2013. PMID:

  63. Thompson KM, Raine TR, Foster DG, Speidel JJ, Darney PD, Brindis CD, Harper CC. Access to levonorgestrel emergency contraception: science versus federal politics. Women's health (London, England) 2013. PMID: 23477320

  64. de Bocanegra HT, Maguire F, Hulett D, Horsley K, Puffer M, Brindis CD. Enhancing service delivery through title x funding: findings from California. Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 2012. PMID: 23231334

  65. S. Isquick, R. Chang, H. Thiel de Bocanegra, M. Chabot, C.D. Brindis. Suboptimal interpregnancy intervals and timing of contraceptive provision among adolescents. Contraception 2012. PMID:

  66. Patel AI, Chandran K, Hampton KE, Hecht K, Grumbach JM, Kimura AT, Braff-Guajardo E, Brindis CD. Observations of drinking water access in school food service areas before implementation of federal and state school water policy, California, 2011. Preventing chronic disease 2012. PMID: 22765930

  67. Lustig RH, Schmidt LA, Brindis CD. Public health: The toxic truth about sugar. Nature 2012. PMID: 22297952

  68. Samira Soleimanpour, Sara P. Geierstanger, Shelly Kaller, Virginia McCarter, Claire D. Brindis. Chapter 2 The Role of School Health Centers in Health Care Access and Client Outcomes. School-Based Health Care: Advancing Educational Success and Public Health 2012. PMID:

  69. Saleeby E, Brindis CD. Women, reproductive health, and health reform. JAMA 2011. PMID: 21934061

  70. Annette Gardner, Sara Geierstanger, Lori Miller Nascimento, Claire Brindis. Expanding Organizational Advocacy Capacity: Reflections From the Field. The Foundation Review 2011. PMID:

  71. Foster DG, Higgins JA, Biggs MA, McCain C, Holtby S, Brindis CD. Willingness to have unprotected sex. Journal of sex research 2011. PMID: 21516592

  72. M. Jane Park, Claire Brindis, Tina Paul Mulye. Health Policy and Financing for Adolescent and Young Adult Health Services. 2011. PMID:

  73. Gardner A, Geierstanger S, Miller-Nascimento L, Brindis CD. Expanding Organizational Advocacy Capacity: Reflections from the Field The Foundation Review 2011. PMID:

  74. 42. Park MJ, Brindis CD, Mulye T, Fisher M, ed., Aldermanm E, ed., Kreipe R, ed., Rosenfeld W, ed.. Textbook of Adolescent Health Care (AAP) Health Policy and Financing for Adolescent and Young Adult Health Services 2011. PMID:

  75. Soleimanpour S, Geierstanger SP, Kaller S, McCarter V, Brindis CD. The role of school health centers in health care access and client outcomes. American journal of public health 2010. PMID: 20634445

  76. M. Antonia Biggs, Lauren Ralph, Alexandra M. Minnis, Abigail Arons, Kristen S. Marchi, Jocelyn A. Lehrer, Paula A. Braveman, Claire D. Brindis. Factors Associated With Delayed Childbearing: From the Voices of Expectant Latina Adults and Teens in California. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 2010. PMID:

  77. Lee Anna Botkin, Stephanie Fishkin, Claire Brindis, Elizabeth Ozer, Cynthia Kapphahn. Quality of Reproductive Health Care Provided to Latino Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health 2010. PMID:

  78. Maternowska C, Estrada F, Campero L, Herrera C, Brindis CD, Vostrejs MM. Gender, culture and reproductive decision-making among recent Mexican migrants in California. Culture, health & sexuality 2010. PMID: 19657804

  79. Kreger M, Brindis CD, Arons A, Sargent K, Robles A., Hendricks A, Jhawar M, Standish M. Turning the Ship: Moving from Clinical Treatment to Environmental Prevention: A Health Disparities Policy Advocacy Initiative The Foundation Review 2009. PMID:

  80. Foster DG, Rostovtseva DP, Brindis CD, Biggs MA, Hulett D, Darney PD. Cost savings from the provision of specific methods of contraception in a publicly funded program. American journal of public health 2008. PMID: 18703437

  81. Adams SH, Newacheck PW, Park MJ, Brindis CD, Irwin CE. Health insurance across vulnerable ages: patterns and disparities from adolescence to the early 30s. Pediatrics 2007. PMID: 17473076

  82. Knopf DK, Jane Park M, Brindis CD, Mulye TP, Irwin CE. What gets measured gets done: assessing data availability for adolescent populations. Maternal and child health journal 2007. PMID: 17308967

  83. Brindis CD, Hair EC, Cochran S, Cleveland K, Valderrama LT, Park MJ. Increasing access to program information: a strategy for improving adolescent health. Maternal and child health journal 2006. PMID: 17031582

  84. Foster DG, Biggs MA, Amaral G, Brindis C, Navarro S, Bradsberry M, Stewart F. Estimates of pregnancies averted through California's family planning waiver program in 2002. Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 2006. PMID: 16963385

  85. Kramer JS, Philliber S, Brindis CD, Kamin SL, Chadwick AE, Revels ML, Chervin DD, Driscoll A, Bartelli D, Wike RS, Peterson SA, Schmidt CK, Valderrama LT. Coalition models: lessons learned from the CDC's Community Coalition Partnership Programs for the Prevention of Teen Pregnancy. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 2005. PMID: 16115567

  86. Chervin DD, Philliber S, Brindis CD, Chadwick AE, Revels ML, Kamin SL, Wike RS, Kramer JS, Bartelli D, Schmidt CK, Peterson SA, Valderrama LT. Community capacity building in CDC's Community Coalition Partnership Programs for the Prevention of Teen Pregnancy. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 2005. PMID: 16115565

  87. Claire D. Brindis, Lauren J. Ralph. Critical Junctures. 2005. PMID:

  88. Brindis CD, Geierstanger SP, Wilcox N, McCarter V, Hubbard A. Evaluation of a peer provider reproductive health service model for adolescents. Perspectives on sexual and reproductive health 2005. PMID: 15961362

  89. Claire Brindis, Michelle Barenbaum, Héctor Sanchez-Flores, Virginia McCarter, Robin Chand. Let's Hear It for the Guys: California's Male Involvement Program. International Journal of Men's Health 2005. PMID:

  90. Brindis CD, Barenbaum M, Sanchez-Flores H, McCarter V, Chand R, Taylan-Arcoleo M. Let's Hear it for the Guys: California's Male Involvement Program International Journal of Men's Health 2005. PMID:

  91. Newacheck PW, Park MJ, Brindis CD, Biehl M, Irwin CE. Trends in private and public health insurance for adolescents. JAMA 2004. PMID: 15010445

  92. Newacheck PW, Hung YY, Park MJ, Brindis CD, Irwin CE. Disparities in adolescent health and health care: does socioeconomic status matter? Health services research 2003. PMID: 14596388

  93. Martha A. Jessup, Janice C. Humphreys, Claire D. Brindis, Kathryn A. Lee. Extrinsic Barriers to Substance Abuse Treatment among Pregnant Drug Dependent Women. Journal of Drug Issues 2003. PMID:

  94. Pirkis JE, Irwin CE, Brindis CD, Sawyer MG, Friestad C, Biehl M, Patton GC. Receipt of psychological or emotional counseling by suicidal adolescents. Pediatrics 2003. PMID: 12671157

  95. Brindis CD, Morreale MC, English A. The unique health care needs of adolescents. The Future of children 2003. PMID: 14503457

  96. Claire Brindis, M. Jane Park, Tina Paul CHES, Scott Burg. A Profile of Adolescent Health. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work 2002. PMID:

  97. Sara Peterson, Gale Berkowitz, Courtney Uhler Cart, Claire Brindis. Native American Women In Alcohol And Substance Abuse Treatment. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 2002. PMID:

  98. Chavez Alvarado S, Brindis CD, Yon C, Goldfarb N. Rural Andean Women's Perspectives on Menopause Hispanic Health Care International 2002. PMID:

  99. Anne K. Driscoll, M. Antonia Biggs, Claire D. Brindis, Ekua Yankah. Adolescent Latino Reproductive Health: A Review of the Literature. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 2001. PMID:

  100. Zoe Cardoza Clayson, Xóchitl Casteñada, Emma Sanchez, Claire Brindis. The Intersections of Culture, Health, and Systems in California Latino Communities. Community Health Equity Research & Policy 2000. PMID: